Page 40 of Fake Notes

“I’d probably be . . . a fisherman.”

Her brows rose. “A fisherman? Have you ever even fished before?”

“No, but I feel like I’d be good at it.”

Scarlett tipped her head back and laughed while the joyful sound tugged on my heart.

“And why is that?” she asked.

“I think I’d like the peace and quiet. And, because I’m good at being patient, at waiting for things.” My gaze dropped to her lips, and her expression turned serious.

EvenIwasn’t sure what I was referring to.

Her throat bobbed, and she gathered up the cards, then glanced at her phone and gasped. “Holy crap!” She threw the deck down and jumped up from the couch, a tornado of movement as she headed for the door.

“What?” I asked, following her.

“It’s after ten and it’s a school night. I’m past curfew,” she said, lifting her hands to her head and closing her eyes. “My parents are going to kill me.”

“Come on, then.” I grabbed her hand. “I’ll drive you.

Chapter 12


IfollowedScarlett’sdirections,exiting the highway and turning onto Greenbriar. The landscape transformed outside my window from businesses to a suburban neighborhood in an instant.

“Other than being late, today went pretty well, right? I mean, for our first official day as a new couple,” I said.

“Yeah, sure. If you don’t count the Royals circling like vultures.”

She bit her thumbnail, and I glanced over to where she’d sunk low in her seat, shaking her leg and staring out the window.

“Just how much trouble are you going to be in for being late?”

She glanced at me and dropped her hand. Uh, “I don’t know, to be honest. The only other times I’ve ever been late, I was with Penelope, and I called ahead. I’ve never just shown up late before like this. Especially not with a boy they don’t know.”

“Well, they kinda know me.”

She rolled her eyes. “Seeing you on TV and knowing you are two different things.”

I couldn’t argue there.

“Turn here.” She pointed to a sign that readPine Grove,and I slowed the car, making the turn.

“It’ll be the light brick house, the fourth one on the right,” she added.

“I’ll walk you to your door,” I insisted. After all, I felt kind of bad that she was late since I’d been partly to blame. Maybe I could talk to her parents and explain it was my fault, say something to make them go easy on her.

“What? No,” she said in alarm.

“Why not?”

“Hmmm, let me see,” she said, tapping her chin. “Maybe because the fewer questions my parents have, the better. Or because they didn’t even know I was out with you in the first place. Or because I’m late and you’re a boy, and when they ask where I was, telling them I was in your hotel suite won’t exactly go over well.”

I grimaced. “Good point.” Then I added, “But I will have to meet them sometime.”

Scarlett raked her hands through her hair and blew out a long breath. “Is that really necessary?”