"I was hoping it might," he says, laughing.
"Not a chance, Mr. Mason. You and your father have a session with Rhett tomorrow afternoon."
"Lily," Dresden says, loudly. I jump, snapping my head up toward the door. Dresden's eyes dart from me to Blake and back, concern flooding them.
"What's wrong, Dres?"
"I need to talk to you . . . privately." He holds up a brown envelope.
Blake's head sags forward as he sighs and stands. I follow him to the door. Dresden walks into my office and takes a seat, giving us a moment of privacy.
"I'll be done shortly, and then we can spend the afternoon together," I whisper, taking Blake's hands in mine.
"Okay." He brings my fingers to his lips. "Try not to be too long."
"Hey." I free one of my hands and cup the side of his face. "Stop sulking. The man I care for doesn't sulk."
He leans in and presses his lips lightly to mine. "I love you."
Before I can respond, he turns and walks out, closing the door. I take a deep breath, willing the nerves in my body to calm down. I amble back to my desk, stopping next to Dresden.
"What's in the envelope?"
"A problem," he says seriously, handing it to me. "It was left outside the door sometime within the last twenty minutes."
I raise my eyebrows. Tearing my gaze away from his, I look down at the coarse dark brown envelope. Turning it over, my hand shakes as I run a finger over the broken seal.
Wax . . . a blue Taurus . . . fuck me.
Trembling, I pull a single blue piece of paper from the inside. There's a short letter, typed.
Agent Williams—
We owned you once. We will own you again.
You will watch as we kill the only people you love.
Keep them close, Agent.
Their days are numbered.
"Fuck," I yell, running out the door. Tearing through the living room, I pass the Masons, shock flashing across their faces. "Dresden, seal the windows, now!"
Taking the stairs two at a time, I bust into Blake's bedroom, drop to the floor and pull two guns from under the bed. I’d prepared for the worst in the wake of Jax's departure. In the closet, I grab the spare bag of ammunition.
Only the lamps on either side of the sofa light the living room as I enter, throwing the bag and guns on the kitchen counter. The Masons sit together in the center of the sofa, wide-eyed, watching as the team moves around them. Shannon is shaking, holding Blake's hand so hard her knuckles are white.
Dresden appears from the stairs, his assault rifle in hand. "Yes, ma'am?"
This is a different side of us, the well-oiled machine, requiring no directions or discussions. Despite the course of my life currently, this is a familiar and welcome rush. My team's my family as much as Blake and his are, and together, I know we can get any job done as long as we stay focused.
"Stay with Blake and the others. If anything comes through the front door, shoot it."
He nods, moving to stand between the sofa and the door.
"Boa!" I trudge past her office, turning into mine.