Page 97 of The Auction Block

"Jax should feel bad. You were a fucked-up kid," he snaps.

I sigh and walk toward the front doors. Parked on the curb is Interpol's other gifts to the team. Three, brand new, solid black Yukon Denali Sports Utility Vehicles. Fully loaded and bulletproof. Dresden and I climb into the first one. As I pull onto the street, my cell phone chirps.

7:35 –Blake: Good morning. Please wake me before you leave next time. When will you be back? I'd like to take you out this afternoon if you don't have important secret agent stuff to do.

I smile, stopping at a red light to text him back.

7:36 –Morning. You need to sleep. I'm not waking you every time I have to leave the room. I should be back by noon. As it is, I have a meeting this afternoon, but after that, I'm free for an attempt at normal people shenanigans.

7:38 –Blake: I'll give you shenanigans. Stop texting and driving. It is against the law in Maryland, and the cops here don’t screw around.

I burst out laughing, holding my phone out to Dresden as I pull through the intersection. He gives a hearty chuckle. I’d love the cops to pull me over and tell me not to text and drive. My badge supersedes theirs— in all matters.

7:40 – Cops? Did you not get a look at the badge and arsenal I carry on me? Oh, wait, yes you did, when you stripped me of them before throwing me down in bed. Btw–you really know how to put it on a girl. Mind-blowing.

7:43 –Blake: Please stop. You’re not here and I now have a hard on. Cold shower it is. I love you, come home soon.

I smile again, pushing my cell into its holder.

"How far is this place?"

"Thirty minutes, tops. The way I drive, twenty minutes." I glance at him.

He has a wolfish grin on his face, tapping a hard beat on the door with his thumb. "It's good to see you happy, Lily."

I raise my eyebrows. Dresden and I have yet to delve into my new romantic life. "It's still strange, but I'm trying."

"I know. We can all see it. Sammi is beside herself every time Blake touches you."

"Well, I'm not over anything yet. Just pushing past it, I guess. I'm still fucked-up enough on the inside."

"Fucked up or not, I've noticed the changes in you since we came here. Whatever he's doing, I hope he keeps doing it."

"What do you mean?"

Dresden reaches over and puts his hand on my leg. I glance from his hand to his face. He's staring out the windshield, a stern look in his eyes.

"What are you doing?"

"You're not shaking. A few months ago, I’d touch you by accident and you’d go into convulsions."

I sigh, shaking my head in resignation. Dresden removes his hand and turns on the radio. I smile, letting the music soothe me. In my off time, I play guitar and piano. It's therapeutic. The team doesn't know. That hobby is confined to my apartment in New Orleans.


"Want me to send them in?" Dresden stops next to my desk.

I place a large bag and manila folder down. Jax's office is now mine, though the only additions are two vases of flowers Blake had delivered.


I sit behind the desk and run my fingers through my hair. The last thing I want to do is spoil the day, but this will give me peace of mind when I'm not able to be with them.

Blake, his parents, Shannon, and Teresa stand outside my office door. "Come in. Shut the door."

"Is everything okay?" Shannon's voice is high and full of panic.

"Yes, Shannon. Calm down. Everything's fine. Sit."