Page 7 of The Auction Block

Wow . . .the muscles in my lower stomach clench as a shiver runs down my spine.

Focus, Lily. Damn.

"I'll keep that in mind, sir." Rhett gives him a curt nod.

"Next is Jameson Scott. The one Lily mentioned earlier."

“Ah, yes. My new driver.” Blake doesn’t bother to hide the sarcasm in his voice as he shakes hands with Jameson and then stares directly at me.

“Try to sound a little less like an asshole, Mr. Mason, and this won’t be as bad as you think,” I say smirking at him.

Jax sighs loudly, and Blake laughs shaking his head. “Nice to see your attitude hasn’t change on the trip here.”

“Don’t mind her, she’s not as mean as she seems,” Vlad says leaning forward to look at me.

“Don’t lie to him, Vlad. That’s dangerous.”

He laughs and introduces himself before engaging in some small talk.

Blake gestures for us to join him and his friends in the picnic area.

"These are my good friends, Miranda and Caleb." Blake gestures to the two people closest to him.

As he introduces the other people sitting around the picnic tables, I take a moment to analyze his two closest friends. Miranda is short, bleach blonde with green eyes and more jewelry than one woman should wear. She hasn't bothered to look at us. Her eyes haven't left Blake since the introductions started.

Caleb is a little shorter than Blake, but still tall as hell. He's got short brown hair, hazel eyes, and tattoos of tribal covering both his arms and shoulders. He seems more at ease than Miranda, and as Blake makes a joke, Caleb’s laugh is natural, where hers is over the top and forced.

Something about her annoys me.

"So that's everyone. You guys are welcome to relax, try and enjoy yourselves a little. I doubt anyone's going to try to kill me today. We've got food and beer, swimming, volleyball, and some other stuff," Blake says, drawing my attention back to him.

"Time to work for a living," Vlad whispers to me and Dresden as he joins us.

"Yes, standing around watching a bunch of wannabe frat boys is going to make our day so much fun." I roll my eyes.

An hour later Vlad, Dresden, and I sit at one of the picnic tables, watching Blake and Caleb wrestle. I'm surprised, he's fast and graceful. Most guys his size lack in both areas, which makes them easier to take down. If this were a real fight, Blake would've been able to end it at least twice. Still, in comparison to how we spar . . . they're pussies.

"Agent Unnami," Blake says.

Jax walks over from his post at the edge of the tree line. "Call me, Jax, sir."

"Jax. Your team ever wrestle?"

The entire team laughs openly. Blake and his friends raise their eyebrows.

"I'm sorry, did I say something amusing?" The irritation is heavy in his voice.

I stand slowly, Dresden and Vlad following suit. We walk forward, stopping a few feet from Blake as the rest of the team joins us. My eyes wander from his face to his feet and back. Meeting his heated gaze, that stupid fucking pull in my stomach happens again— I ignore it.

"We spar. Not that shit y’all were just doing." I give him a sly grin, only the right corner of my lips pulling upward.

He steps forward, his body only inches from mine— my limbs and back go taut as my breathing climbs, almost on the verge of a panic attack.

"What’re you implying, Agent Williams?" His voice is barely audible.

I swallow the lump in my throat. "I'm not implying anything."

"Lily. Why don't we give Mr. Mason a demonstration of your skills?" The smirk on Jax's face betrays the amusement in his own suggestion.