The bedroom door opens with a slight creak.
"Lily?" Blake enters and the door clicks shut behind him.
I look up meeting his eyes. He's holding a long white garment bag and a medium size shopping bag.
"Here's your dress, shoes, and some other things to wear." He leans over to lay everything next me.
"Thank you." My voice is shaky as I twist my fingers together, sweat sticking to my palms.
"Listen, Jax gave me the third degree about tonight. I think I finally understand how impossible this is for you and I'm sorry. I wish I understood why, but I'll try to make tonight as easy as I can."
His eyes meet mine, and he nods slightly. The door closes quietly as he leaves. I stand, my legs like Jell-O beneath me, and pick up the garment bag. I have no idea what Jax said to him earlier. His demeanor worries me. Blake usually bounces between cocky and sweet romantic, but tonight he seems to be all self-conscious and nerves.
I slide the zipper down the bag, and pull the side open, revealing a long navy blue dress. Removing it from the bag, I smile. It has a square cut neckline with long sleeves.
No scars will be showing tonight.
I would take a hundred auctions over this. At least I know what to expect from the people there. Tonight . . . it's like jumping, covered in blood, into a shark tank. I don't know anything about Blake's lifestyle, or the people he mingles with other than Miranda and Caleb, and I can't anticipate how they'll react or what they'll do.
My stomach heaves and I barely make it to the bathroom.
God help me.
My makeup's light with the only color coming from the shimmery blue eyeliner, matching my irises. My lashes look longer from the mascara, but I pass on the blush. I've thrown up several times while trying to get ready, so my cheeks are red enough without help. My lips shimmer with clear gloss, and my hair frames my face, falling over my shoulders past my breasts.
The dress is snug. Every curve I have shows, and I keep double-checking to make sure I'm actually wearing a dress. The only downfall is the slit that goes from the bottom of the dress to my hip on the right side.
Thankfully the slit isn’t on the other side. Tiny, burned crosses scar my left leg, from hip to knee. These aremyscars though. I put them there. Fifty-three in all. They're the constant reminder of my life on the auction block . . . of why I am the way I am.
I sit on the edge of the bed, and pick up the largest box, removing the shoes Blake bought. They're black pumps, simple yet elegant, with a shimmery gem in the center of the toe. I slide them on and find them surprisingly comfortable. I've only worn heels once, so I pray I don't fall and bust my ass tonight.
Inside the bag are three smaller boxes. I open the largest of them and gasp. My fingers trail over the beautiful black onyx and white gold choker. With shaky fingers, I remove it and clasp it around my neck, letting it rest against the chain from my keepsake necklace, hidden inside my dress. The next box is a matching bracelet, that jingles as I clasp it around my left wrist. In the last and smallest box is a set of large onyx stud earrings, weighing down my lobes, but they're so beautiful.
I don't even look like me anymore . . . I almost look . . . normal.
The bedroom door clicks as it opens and I walk into the main area, coming face-to-face with Sammi. She stares at me with wide eyes, breaking into a sincere smile I've never seen before.
"You look stunning, Lily."
I smile, looking down at the floor. No one's ever said that to me before.
"Thanks," I mumble.
"Don't look down. Have a little pride, girl. You're beautiful. The guys are going to drool."
My face falls, and my breathing increases. I don't want that reaction.
"What's wrong?" She takes a hesitant step toward me.
"I'm out of my league, Sammi. This isn't an auction. I don't know how to act around these people."
"Relax. Just be yourself."
She opens the bedroom door and steps into the hallway waiting for me. I take a deep breath, close my eyes and exhale, opening them again. It's now or never. All the worries are prominent in my mind, and more than anything, I want to run back to my room and lock the door.