"Don't interfere, Mr. Mason." Dresden is quiet but firm.
I meet the brute's menacing stare. "So, you like to hit woman, huh?"
He stalks forward, his hand cocked back ready to slap me again. As soon as he's within arm's reach, I jab my right fist out, hitting the side of his face, followed by a swift kick to his balls. Adrenaline courses through my veins, sending my brain into a mode I know all too well. He falls to his knees and I bring my left fist diagonally across my body, swinging to connect with his face again. He falls to the floor and I kick him onto his back.
I squat next to him and fight to keep my voice steady. "The next time you come near Mr. Mason, or any of his friends, I'll put a bullet in your head. Have a good evening."
As I stand, two police officers' barrel through the door and move toward me. Jax intercepts them, holding up his Interpol badge. We move to the front of our table as one officer talks to Miranda's ex and the other Jax. Blake's gaze is glued to me, an unreadable expression on his face.
Behind him, Vlad, Dresden, and Rhett stare at me with the same expression.
Blake reaches up and takes my chin between his thumb and index finger, sending a strong wave of tremors through my body. He tilts my heads to the side, examining my cheek.
"This is probably going to bruise," he whispers.
I jerk my chin from his grasp and laugh darkly.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing. Relax, Mr. Mason, I'm fine."
He leans down in a very measured way and puts his lips next to me ear. "Call me, Blake."
"Why? Does it matter what I call you?"
He chuckles, his breath on my skin sending shivers down my spine. "I like the way my name sounds on your lips."
Fuck . . . me.
He stands back up and I fidget, pressing my thighs together as blood pulses through my veins to my sex. In my peripheral, Jax is regarding us through narrowed eyes.
The following week,Caleb and Miranda come by Blake's apartment every night. They've texted each other very little, so I'm assuming Blake let them know his phone is monitored. I suspect he's emailing instead, which Sammi could hack, but it doesn't concern me right now.
I've spent the majority of tonight standing on the balcony outside my bedroom. Horns blare from the street below, mixed with people shouting and music coming from every bar in Canton. Friday night's a busy one in Baltimore. I'm glad Blake and his friends decided to have a quiet night here. He's got a charity event next weekend, so the down time is appreciated.
I sigh, exiting my room, and move quietly to the main floor of the apartment. It’s one large room divided into a living room, dining room, and kitchen. Blake and the team stand around the island in the kitchen, talking in hushed tones. At the bottom of the stairs, I glance from the guys to the door of Sammi's office. I tiptoe to the office.
Inside, Sammi sits at her desk watching the monitors. Most people find her job boring, but she loves it. She can use a computer to find information about anyone. It's like having a virtual ninja at your beck and call.
"Hey, Boa."
This is the first time we've been in a situation where we have "down-time."
"Hey Lily, how's it going?"
"Same shit, different day. You?"
I stop next to her desk and fold my hands together behind my back. I learned early on not to touch her tech space. She goes from sweet to bat-shit in the blink of an eye.
"Have you run out of stuff to do already, mate?" She sits back in her chair, twists slightly, and smiles at me.
"You know, I could always train, but I don't want to wear Rhett and Jameson out and they’re my partners for now, and I think the other guys are tired of having their asses' kicked." I roll my eyes.
"You and Mason seem to be getting along nicely." She raises her eyebrows.
"Don't, Sammi," I say giving her a pointed look.