Page 105 of The Auction Block

Blake grabs my hands and turns me toward him. His eyes are sad and full of longing. I reach up and press my hand against his cheek, as he pulls me off the stool and into his arms, pressing my back against the edge of the counter. Footsteps echo through the kitchen as Blake's lips hover over mine.

"Lily, sorry to interrupt," Dresden says.

"What's up?"

His eyes widen a second before the shattering glass reverberates throughout the room. Dresden tackles both Blake and I, knocking us to the ground. He moans and rolls onto his back, blood soaking his shoulder.

"Sniper!" I scream, grabbing Blake and forcing him onto the floor. "Stay down," I growl, sprinting along the wall, to his bedroom. As I pass the window, the glass breaks and a shitstorm of bullets fly into the room.

I drop to my stomach and crawl to the closet, grabbing my duffel bag. I turn and make my way to the bed, pulling my guns out from under it. The hail of bullets stops, and I jump to my feet and dash back to the kitchen.

Dresden is propped against the fridge and Blake is gone. Both windows are busted out and bullets clink against the walls with deafening force. Blood soaks his arm, down to his elbow and his face has lost its coloring.

"Where's everyone?"

"Vlad grabbed Blake. Put everyone in your office just before the bullets started again," he says half drowned out by the attack.

"Come on, we need to get you in there," I say, slipping my arm under his good one. I haul him into a standing position and wait for the bullets to slow in their succession.

They have to reload sometime.

A few seconds later, the assault stops, and I pull Dresden toward my office, almost buckling under his weight. He's lost a good amount of blood.

"Come on Dres, I need you to focus. You're going to be fine."

I lean against the wall, and turn the doorknob, falling into the office. "Don't shoot!"

Vlad grabs Dresden and sits him down, as I pull out my switchblade and cut open his shirt. Dropping my duffel bag on the ground, I pull out a towel and stuff it in Dresden's mouth.

"Bite down," I snap.

His eyes widen as he does. I hold my knife horizontally between my teeth as I reach into my bag and pull out a lighter.

"Shit!" I say pulling the blade from my mouth.

"What?" Vlad asks, glancing at me in a frantic manner.

"I'll be right back," I hiss, standing up.

I grab my shoulder holsters and strap them on. I also wrap one of my knife holders around my bicep and adjust the tightness. Shannon is curled in Blake's arms, his eyes on me.

I step over and squat, grabbing his head in my hands. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, are you?" His eyes search my body looking for wounds.

"Yes baby, the blood is Dresden's," I say. Shannon whimpers at his name. "Shannon, you can go to him, just don't touch his shoulder."

She pushes out of Blake's arms and slides to Dresden's good side, grabbing his hand in hers.

"Mein Schatz," Dresden whispers, looking into her eyes. Tears stream down her face as she lifts his hand to her lips.

I pull my gaze back to Blake's face. He stares at me— fear and something else dancing behind his eyes. I press my lips to his, hard, hot, and needy. "Fuck, Blake, are you sure you're okay?"

He grabs my head as well, kissing me back. "I'm fine. What the fuck’s happening?"

I let go of him, and he sits back. The house is quiet, making me uneasy. "Assassination attempt."

I stand and move toward the door, pulling my guns out.