Page 81 of All Mine

Lauren laughed and rolled her eyes at her sister.

I’d no intention of proposing with an audience mere steps from where the charred remains of her bakery had once stood, where I’d fought to reach her, and where I’d never been more scared in my life. The matter of proposing to Lauren wasn’t an if but a when. We’d spent the past four months getting to know each other and dating. I picked her up from her parent’s house like we were teenagers.

“We haven’t even talked about that,” Lauren said. “I’m happy with how things are going. There’s no need to rush anything.”

“Of course, darling, it will happen when it’s time. Just know that I want grandchildren,” Mrs. Hart said.

“Mom,” Lauren admonished, pink blossoming across her cheeks.

“What?” she asked. “Your older sister’s off becoming a doctor. Lacy and Lucy are far too young and need to finish college first. So, you’re up.”

Lauren’s mouth fell open, and she shook her head. “My business and home burned down, and I’ve been in a walking boot for four months… I don’t think this is the best time.”

“Oh, I didn’t say tomorrow.”

“You wanna help me out here?” Lauren asked, staring at me.

“Nope,” I said, shoving my hands into my jeans pocket. “It seems like a family matter.” I gave her my earnest smile. She returned a glare as everyone laughed.

“Why don’t we go over to the bar and celebrate the beginning of building the new Hart Commons.”

“Actually,” Lauren chimed in. “It’s the new Hart-Carter Commons.” She smiled at me, and my heart swelled in my chest.

“Is that really what you want to go with?”

“I know I’ve been so obsessed with preserving the town history to a stubborn level that was detrimental to myself and the town. And I still want to make sure we preserve our heritage and small town way of life, but it’s okay to move forward and embrace change to make things better for everyone.”

“We needed the champagne before you came out with shit like that,” Adrian said, hands on hips.

“Let’s go get the champagne,” I said, crossing to Lauren and scooping her into my arms. “Meet everyone over at Lou’s… Hey Jonah, can you lock the gate?”

“I’m on it,” he called.

“I think you can put me down now,” she said.

“This way is quicker,” I said, carrying her to the car.

“You’re ridiculous,” she smiled. “I cannot believe you didn’t put a stop to all that proposal talk.”

I set her on her feet next to the car, opening the door. “Well, I’m not going to pop the question in front of everyone.”

“You’ve thought about this?” she asked, climbing inside.

“Of course,” I replied, shutting the car door.

I climbed into the driver’s seat under Lauren’s stare.

“What?” I asked.

“You’ve thought about proposing to me?”

I laughed. “Why is that so hard to imagine? I moved my company headquarters and settled in this town for you. Isn’t it the next step to think long term?”

“Yeah… I just never thought you’d be talking like this so soon.”

I reached over and squeezed her thigh. “I’m not in a rush. This can all wait until you’re ready.”

“What if you get bored?” she asked.