I’m never fair either.

Lilting music plays throughout the cavernously ornate space.

I dream of this place every night.

Of the flames below, licking at the glassy black dancefloor, and stars above through the broken ceiling that shows the living world beyond.

Because despite my dance partner…. This is the only place that has ever felt right to my skin.

I meet this sinner’s gaze one more time, wishing those all black eyes were the ones that could see straight through to my soul.

But no.

Just a man. I’m sure of that now as he tries, again, to lean in for a kiss he won’t receive from me.

Just a man… as if mere men didn’t have the potential to be devils in the world above.

In the next turn, I twist out of his arms, catching up against the next devil awaiting a partner.

Sinners always outnumber the saints.

And again, I’m disappointed.

This one has a tail covered in spikes like a dinosaur I learned about in primary school, but can’t remember the name of right now. Their skin is glossy smooth and an eerie blue. Short horns circle their head and sprout from their cheeks and eyes.

But this isn’t the Devil’s disguise either.

The first saint kisses their sinner as I switch to my third false devil.

It’s always the youngest who kiss their sinners early. They’re reckless.

Or maybe just scared.

And they are why I need to move as quickly as I can.

Each kiss results in a puff of smoke and a pair vanished from the dancers around them.

And each time, my heart clenches.

I don’t want to go back.

I don’t want to wait another year.

Patience is only a virtue if it reaps a reward.

Caught up in the next devil’s arms, I glimpse a man whose nakedness glares against the other finery.

No one warned him what would happen if he didn’t adhere to the Devil’s formal dress requirements.

He is the first person I see kiss a devil.

That’s usually how it happens. The newest and most ill-prepared often take the quickest risks.

Five more devils fail to entice me and even more bursts of smoke make me flinch. My options narrow with every passing minute.

That sulphur smell is stronger here. It permeates everything.

He has to be close.