“Body, yes. But my soul is something you’d have to bargain with God for.” I trail my hand down to where the hair sprouts below his waist. “When was the last time one of your trapped saints wanted to fuck you?”

“They all find their way onto my cock by the end. Even the ones who tell themselves they don’t want it come begging to me before their service is over.”

Studying me for a long moment, his lips purse as if he can’t make up his mind.

“Speak the truth and fuck the Devil….” He says, bastardising the true phrase before he leans down to meet my eyes. “You’d give yourself to me, regardless of whether or not I do as you wish.”

I keep my eyes locked with his.

“That’s true.” There’s no point lying to him.

“Are you sure you know what you’re offering? What you’re asking for?”

“I’ve never denied myself pleasures. Taking them from you doesn’t scare me.” I sink to my knees, and he lets me go, the dress pooling around me as I look up at him, waiting.

“I never expected you to be scared. You’re too much of a fool for that.” He bends down, kissing me again and the headiness of it makes my mind spin.

So, I blink several times when he releases me, standing straight again, and where his groin had been covered in smooth, short hair, a monstrous cock bobs at me, heavy with arousal.

Deep red and throbbing, the Devil’s cock looks like a delicious challenge.

All the scriptures warn of his temptation, but the thought of taking him into me doesn’t fill me with fear.

I know what I want… and I plan on making the Devil give it to me.

He doesn’t stop me when I reach for him. Doesn’t direct me when I wrap my fingers around the hot, glossy skin of his cock and stroke him.

Whatever I plan to do next, he seems ready and willing to discover it as we go.

But if I had a plan, it’s flown out the window and into the fiery landscape of Hell.

His is the biggest cock I’ve ever held that wasn’t made of silicone, and that was a gag gift at someone else’s bachelorette party, not one I had the opportunity to try out.

If I had more sense, maybe I’d baulk. If I was willing to settle for less than everything I want, maybe I would have found a way to negotiate.

Instead, I raise up on my knees and draw my tongue along the underside of him for my first taste of him.

His eyes tighten and I wonder if he expected me to reconsider.

I don’t give him the chance to be the one to back out. I swirl my tongue around the tip of him once, before sliding my lips over him and revelling in the way he groans.

But it’s quickly clear that I’ve miscalculated. I can barely fit him in my mouth, and what I can take already fatigues my jaw.

Discretion may be the better part of valour, but I won’t be so craven as to back out without truly trying.

Except, the Devil makes a noise, glaring down at me and I pause, waiting for him to tell me what’s wrong.

His hand slips under my jaw, moving me to a different angle. It’s odd and makes my neck cramp, but I can take him more deeply, even as tears sting at my eyes.

The Devil’s jaw tightens and twitches, but not, I think, in pleasure.

He’s not impressed.

But before I can attempt to correct, his claws spear through my hair, drawing me off of him.

“There will be time to teach you how to satisfy me….” He runs one knuckle along my chin. “But I suppose you deserve some reward for the attempt.”

Thick spiderwebs snap to my wrists from the darkness overhead, wrapping around me like manacles. They pull my arms out, holding them away from my body. They raise me and my feet dangle a metre off the floor.