Chapter Seventeen

Emma held the stem of the champagne flute so tightly she could swear she heard a crack. Someone gave Nico a sleek microphone, and besides a couple of giggles from the bridesmaids, the room quieted for his best man’s toast.

She pursed her lips. Until now, she’d tried hard to avoid looking at him. She gulped the rest of her champagne at once and placed the flute on the beautifully set table. God, she’d missed him. He stood, his power and charisma capturing glances from most of the women. The suit fit him perfectly, and if she closed her eyes, she’d remember every part of him she’d licked, kissed, or touched.

Her heart pulsed at the base of her throat.

“I can’t begin to explain how happy I am Zaine has found someone to love. I’ve known him for a long time, and he’s an amazing dude. Smart, caring, fun to be around. And somehow he landed himself a hot French wife, so I know he’s got the total package.” A few people whistled, and Monique kissed Zaine’s cheek. Zaine whispered something in her ear that made her blush. Holding the microphone, Nico continued. “I used to make fun of him for being a committed guy—committed to his family, his now wife, and a noble cause. Now…I envy him.”

He walked around the crowd, each step he took in her direction adding a thump to her heart. “I never knew what it was like to love someone till I found someone. A hell of a woman. Sexy, intelligent, and so giving.”

She tried to swallow, but her tongue got stuck on the roof of her mouth. “She gave me a chance, and I—”

His gaze collided with hers, and it almost knocked her out of her seat. He stopped in front of her. The guy working the lights followed him, and soon the guests glanced at the both of them. What the hell was he doing? Was he drunk?

Even though she still sat, not trusting her legs to support her if she stood, she felt the attention on her as if she danced on the table. Her family. Everyone. Warmth flooded her cheeks and neck.

“I blew it. I was scared, but now…I can’t see my life without her.”

He kneeled before her, and a lot of the guests whispered an ooohh. “Emma, I’m so sorry. I wanted to wait until after the toast to tell you this, but I have this burning in my chest that won’t quit. I blew it, and I want to make it up to you.”

He tossed the microphone onto the table and held her trembling hand. Looking into her eyes, he kissed each one of her knuckles. “I love you. Ti amo.”

Her head bobbed forward, and she blinked one, two, three times. A light-headedness caused her to almost faint. She took a couple of quick, shallow breaths. He didn’t waver or move an inch. She stared deep into his eyes. For so long, she wondered what emotion hid in those depths. Now she finally discovered—love. No hesitation, no fear.

“I love you too, Nico.”

He kissed her, and the crowd applauded in ecstasy. “I’ve missed you,” he whispered in her ear.

“Me too. How did—”

“Desmorais showed up for a visit and convinced me to talk to you. I couldn’t wait any longer to tell you how much I love you. I talked to your brother, because I know how tacky this is to do at someone else’s wedding. But he and Monique were all for it. I wanted to wait until the ceremony was over, because I didn’t want to make it about myself.”

“Really?” Emma squealed.

“Yeah. I knew I’d get too emotional talking about him without thinking about my own recent discovery. At the end, he said I should still do the toast. And we’re making this also about you. One more thing. Don’t go anywhere,” he said, and gave her a kiss before striding out of sight.

“Nico. I can’t believe he went all out,” Megan said, appearing from behind her. “Gotta say, though, well done. He’s gorgeous.”

She flushed, her cheeks overheating. “Yeah, he’s pretty awesome.”

Megan nudged her elbow. “You look happy, sis. Really happy.”

Emma chewed on her lower lip. “Thanks. I—”

She scanned the room and found Nico walking up to her, carrying a chocolate Lab puppy in each hand. Her heart skipped a beat, and if she took a picture of her handsome man with those puppies, she was sure she could make a freaking calendar out of it. Her shoulders sagged, her insides melting.

“Is it a sin to covet your sister’s man?” Megan asked. “Or does it only count after a potential future marriage?”

Emma exhaled. “After the marriage, I believe.”

Nico erased the distance between them, with those two adorable puppies in his hands and a shameless grin on his face. “I got these today. I remembered what you said about old and new dreams. I want to make every single dream of yours come true, Emma. Old and new.”

A lump lodged in her throat. Tears pricked her eyes, but she blinked them back, adamant on not letting her makeup turn into a nightmare. She leaned down and petted the furry cuties. They licked her hand, excited, squirming out of his hold. A need to be with Nico, to make love to him, bolted through her. “I want to be with you, Nico.”

He stared at her, fire brewing in his golden flecks. “Emma, do you accept to be with me, with all my flaws and imperfections, to raise little Nicky and these two together, and maybe crank out a couple bambinos?” he whispered in her ear.

“Yes,” she said without hesitation. Her heart sang, and the noise around them fell into the background. She gazed at him, the raw emotion in his eyes melting her bones. She opened her mouth to speak, but words failed her. How could she even describe the happiest moment of her life?