She swallowed. “Yes.”
“Good. Now take off this silly dress and show me the goods.”
She pulled the cover-up over her head and dropped it on the sand. The purple two-piece bikini exposed more than it concealed. Two small triangles covered her nipples, making her breasts seem bigger than they were.
The bottom had side ties, and a cut bolder than what she’d normally pick.
She looked around them, and no one else was close by. Damn it. Even for a lesson, this was pretty risqué. To strip naked on a beach? She lifted her chin, peering at him, and he stood in front of her, his sexy eyes focused on her. Only on her.
Her pulse peaked, and she reached the back of her top, unhooking the clasp. Then she let the flimsy fabric roll down her arms until it fell off completely. Topless. What would her friends and family say? So unlike her.
“You’re not done,” he said, pointing at her bottom.
“Everything? What if someone comes by? What if—”
He grinned. “It’s part of the fun.”
“You still have yours on.”
He shook his head. “When I take mine off, I’ll mean business. I’m being a gentleman and letting you undress first.”
She lifted one eyebrow. She doubted “gentleman” equaled letting the lady strip first. “How generous.”
She played with one side tie, then undid it, and soon after—before she changed her mind—she did the same with the other one. When that scrap of fabric slid down her body until it pooled at her feet, she wanted to look away. But his words from earlier encouraged her to watch his reaction.
What a reaction. His throat worked, visibly, a bob making its way down his Adam’s apple. Flames of lust lit his eyes, and a dark expression washed over his face. He’d meant it—he wanted her, her body.
When she slid her gaze down his abs, she kept at it until his hard-on caught her attention. Perhaps sensing her need, he pulled down his shorts, and his most magnificent cock sprung out, ready to play.
She gave herself a mental slap to stop gawking and walked into the water, diving, then coming up for air. She tossed him a glance over her shoulder to make sure he’d joined her, then swam to a rock that could give them enough privacy for what she knew he had in mind. Hell, for what she had in mind.
“Well done, Emma,” he said, coming dangerously close to her from behind.
He cupped her breasts and they tingled, her nipples tightening with anticipation. He’d barely touched her, and a delicious pressure began in her core. His cock rubbed against her butt, upping notches of her already insane arousal.
“Can I tell you a dirty secret?” she asked breathlessly.
He continued to play with her breasts, erasing the short gap between them, his dick dangerously closer to her ass. “Dirty secrets are my favorite ones.”
“I’ve always wanted to try anal sex.”
He stopped touching her for a moment, as if his whole body stiffened after her confession. Did she turn him off? She was about to move around to see the expression on his face and get a reading, but he slid his hand down until it touched her pussy. She squirmed, enjoying the intimate contact. “Tell me more,” he said, his accent so pronounced she almost didn’t understand him.
“It just never happened. I don’t know. I saw a naughty movie once and it got me thinking, but I never had the nerve to suggest it.” To Simon, she added inwardly.
“Is that something you’d like to do with me? I can teach you.”
“Yes.” She hissed out. Images of Nico smashing into her back door entrance flooded her mind. She’d be on all fours, ready for him to claim her in a way no one ever had. In a way no one else probably ever would. He’d get her ready for him, and she’d agree to whatever preparations the act entailed. Then he’d tunnel his dick in and out of her hole while playing with her kitty. Driving her mad for more.
“Oh, Emma.” His groan pulled her from her thoughts.
He thrust three fingers into her, and she moaned. With his other hand, he resumed caressing her breast, catching the achy nipple between his thumb and index finger and squeezing it. A shot of arousal traveled through her, and she whimpered. “I’ll be happy to pop your ass cherry,” he said, so close to her ear his breath fanned her lobe, sending her into an overdrive of sensations. “Again and again.”
She curved her head to the side, searching for his mouth, and thankfully he understood her need and kissed her. Her neck almost cramped because of the awkward position, but she didn’t care, stroking his tongue with hers, desperately seeking more.
More he gave her.