She tapped his arm. “Well, there you have it. You insulted his dogs and implied he’s not a real man because he likes them. Can’t you tell lunch with him at his house, surrounded by his pets, will be a joy?”
The animals. Now what James had said made even more sense. He jerked away from her, knowing full well her touch only made him less focused. “You know what else will be a joy? When you explain to me why you didn’t tell me he intends to turn the same fucking property I want to buy into a sanctuary,” he said, his voice low but merciless. “With your help.”
Her face paled. She glanced around them and then angled closer. “Nico, I couldn’t tell you. I signed a nondisclosure agreement, like I do on every project with Desmorais.”
How ironic that Elton was willing to run his mouth, but she had to be all high and mighty about it. He shook his head, anger washing over him. “This is different. You knew my goal. I agreed only to—”
She lifted her chin and perched her hands on her waist. “To fuck me in exchange for an introduction to Desmorais. I have, and I secured you a lunch with him. Who’s to say you can’t go and change his mind? You told me yourself you’re a good negotiator.”
“That’s not the point. I shouldn’t have learned about this from an acquaintance.”
“I’m sorry, but I have to stand my ground. I was conflicted over this, but I’m still holding my end of the bargain. I was contracted to be the project manager of a sanctuary, but that job won’t start for another couple of months. I’ll be the translator for the professionals I bring from the U.S. There.” She angled her head to one side. “That’s all I know.”
“Did you tell him about my wanting to buy his home?”
“No. I didn’t tell him anything about our deal. He believes you’re my boyfriend.”
She stared into his eyes, and his stomach curled like he’d received a blow. Despite the honesty leaking from her voice, her eyes hid a secret. He should have yanked his gaze away, but instead, he contemplated the fiery specks of gold outlining her pupils, which darkened to a matte brown. Fear.
Was she that scared he wouldn’t fulfill his end of their deal? Was she that scared she wouldn’t have the tools she thought she needed to win back her fiancé? Tension stiffened his back. Perhaps after having lost her father and brother, she craved a familial relationship. She didn’t want to break up with the man who’d given her the dream of a family of her own.
Nico sighed. Just because he didn’t believe in the same dream she had, didn’t mean he wouldn’t honor his word. His shoulders relaxed. “Fine. I believe you,” he said, even though deep down he wasn’t sure.
Emma removed her shoes and tossed them to the side. The regal presidential suite they occupied seemed a lot colder now. Ever since the fund-raiser from hell, Nico had been quieter than usual. Was he discouraged by Desmorais’s dismissive attitude? Or did he just hate her after he’d found out about her omission?
Nico walked into the closet, where the hotel maid had already unpacked their clothes. He removed his clothes, then, naked as if this was everyday business, he headed to the shower. A cloud of steam swirled out the door of the bathroom, which he didn’t unlock.
She sat on the curvy chair and played with the ends of her hair. A part of her wanted to join him in the shower. They weren’t in a real relationship—she didn’t have to offer to talk to him, and she doubted he enjoyed deep personal conversations.
And as for sex…
She stood. She didn’t have the confidence he did to remove her clothes and parade around naked for no good reason. He didn’t need to worry about cellulite or unflattering lighting.
When he exited the bathroom she cleared her throat. Her heart slammed against her rib cage like she’d just finished a Zumba class. With a towel wrapped around his waist, Nico made his way to her. The green in his eyes darkened, and his muscles shifted and bunched as he moved.
Damn it. She sucked in a breath and attempted, with no success, to tear her gaze from his washboard abs. “So did you, um, use all the hot water?”
A delicious smile formed on his handsome face. “We need to work on your pre-sex game, Emma. It’s weak.”
You know what else is weak? My knees. “All right, boss. Or should I say professor?”
“Professor has a different subject tonight,” he said, removing his towel so it fell on the floor. Her throat grew thick and dry, and a tremor surged through her, from top to bottom. Whatever he wanted to teach her, she was down with learning. Mastering it, even. “On your knees, sweet face.”
She kneeled before him, his ginormous cock within a breath of her face. Entranced, she parted her lips and bobbed her head forward, motioning to take it in her mouth.
“Eager, aren’t you?” he said, stepping back, his voice strained.
A wave of warmth moved across her cheeks. “I’ve always been a straight A student.”
“Good. Because if you master this, any man will go crazy for you. Which means…patience.”
She glanced up at him, noticing the dark gleam in his eyes. She could feel her pearly essence coating her folds, her thighs getting damp and sticky. The idea of driving him crazy for a change played in her mind like an old-fashioned record.
“First, you want to entice. Lick my cock with the tip of your tongue, running it up and down.”
She followed his request, tracing her tongue along his dick, feeling the powerful rush of blood in his veins. He groaned and, encouraged, she intensified the laps of her tongue at his rod, then stopped at the tip.