A clearing of a throat pulled him from the brink of madness, and he withdrew his mouth from hers, his hands still gripping her. “Mr. Giordano?” Nance, the concierge he’d known for years, said, blushing. “Your crew is ready, sir.”

“Of course.”

She flashed him a courteous smile and sauntered out of sight.

Emma slid off his lap to the seat next to her, smoothing her hands down her clothes.

“Care to tell me why you mauled me out of the blue?”

She finger-combed her hair, probably unaware of how sexy she was. A glint of light hit her pretty eyes, and he had to curl his fingers into a ball to keep from moving her back to his lap, the place she should never have left. The place where her kitty belonged.

“I’m sorry…the bartender,” she said tilting her head in the direction of Skylar, the manager of the bar catering for customers and crew, “she threw some shade about you being with me, and I wanted to show her rather than tell her my point.”

A pang of disappointment stabbed at him. It’d been all about female vanity. “I never took you for catty.”

“Neither have I, but we learn new things every day, right?” She gave him a nervous smile.

“Yes. And I think it’s time for a new lesson.”

“Which is?”

“Never kiss me in public to make someone jealous without my full participation.”

She frowned. “What? What kind of bullshit lesson is that? Sounds too specific. I doubt I’d ever be in this situation with Simon.”

“This isn’t about your pansy fiancé. This is about a lesson I’ll teach you,” he said, standing. “Shall we?” He offered his hand, but she didn’t take it, narrowing her eyes like she wouldn’t go along with whatever he had in mind.

Go along she would. He caught himself smiling, savoring what would happen once the plane took off. When she’d kissed him and caught him off guard, he’d enjoyed it, and she’d turned him on. But after she’d told him about Skylar, a part of him felt a discontent he shouldn’t be allowed where Emma was concerned. She reminded him of some of the uber-competitive women he’d dated, who enjoyed one-upping each other.

And he preferred the Emma he’d known before the lessons started, because he appreciated her brutal honesty and pragmatism.

He followed her into the private jet with his wicked ideas about sexy ways to punish her clear in his mind. She sat across from him and fumbled with the entertainment system, avoiding his gaze. He, bastard that he was, kept his eyes on her, and every time she perhaps accidentally tossed a glance his way, he intensified his stare. She shifted in the oversized seat, fidgeting with one of the magazines, her soft fingers and white-tipped nails caressing the pages one by one.

When they reached a safe altitude and the safety belt sign turned off, he said, “Come.”

He took her to his suite, proud to have bought this new jet with extra privacy. She entered and studied the minimalistic décor and bed. “I can’t believe there’s a bed in here,” she said plopping on it.

He undid his tie, taking it off. “There’s more than a bed.”

He opened the door to the bathroom, decorated in white with gold accents. A fragrance of vanilla swirled around him, probably from the cleaning crew. She stood, fascination gleaming in her eyes. “Wow.”

“Wow is right.” He held her hand, pulling her to him.

She gasped, staring at his lips. Naughty, naughty Emma.

He bent her over the sink. “You were very bad, sweet Emma. You used me. I feel like you’re using me all along…my body…but as long as I’m in on it, that’s cool.”

“Is it too late for an apology?”

“The best way you can apologize to me is to let me fuck you.”

She squirmed, undulating her hips.

He hiked up her skirt, touching her prickled skin. When he pulled it over completely, he glanced at a pair of beige cotton panties, unlike the ultra-sexy ones he’d bought her on the previous day. “Where are your G-strings, baby doll?”

“They… I packed them. I like to travel in comfort.”

He slipped his fingers inside her underwear, cupping her gorgeous butt. “This has to be the sexiest ass I’ve ever seen.” He growled, loving how she rocked her hips into his hands, sighing, no doubt needing more just like he did.