Does he know if he ignores the question I’ll dig deeper? He probably didn’t. If he had a real big reason, would it change her opinion? No. It couldn’t. Port Louis needed a decent animal sanctuary, a place politicians didn’t use as a pawn for their own agenda. A place created by someone who loved animals. Frustration clogged her throat. Desmorais had explained this all to her, and why her silence on the matter was critical. He didn’t want local politicians “offering” their help or the strings attached.

Besides, would Nico even understand? He excelled at sex, not real relationships. Her heart skipped a beat when he gestured at the enormous floor she’d never even known existed in that store.

A woman in her fifties, with a blond pixie cut and wearing a tweed skirt and suit jacket sauntered in their direction. She broke her lips in a smile that showcased straight white teeth. “Nico…so nice to see you.”

“Thanks, Veronica. I’m here to help my friend Emma pick up some cocktail dresses.”

The woman’s gaze landed on her, and she made a quick assessment. “Of course. I’m Veronica White. Pleasure to meet you.”

Emma shook her hand. “Emma Cavanaugh.” Hopefully Emma Larson by the end of the year if this whole charade worked. If Simon saw how perfect she was for him, he’d get back together with her and set a date. Their sexual, hmmm, problem was the only detail keeping them from having the life she’d always planned—marriage, two and a half kids, and a couple of chocolate Labs that ruined her furniture. She’d name her first son after her brother Zachary.

“Wonderful. Come with me; we’ll talk about your needs.”

Her needs? She slapped a smile on her face and listened to the woman who took her to a separate area of the space. For the next thirty minutes, while sipping on champagne, Emma told her about her color preferences, personal style, and measurements.

Veronica nodded from time to time, sliding her finger on her mini iPad. Then, she took her to a stall and brought a rack filled with clothes that had nothing to do with the list she’d given her. Maybe Nico had coached her before their visit…or she just guessed his preferences. Jeez.

He sat on one of the leather sofas and alternated between drinking espresso and texting. Thankfully, he didn’t butt in much.

She looked at the colorful offerings, mostly dresses. The pants fit snugly, maybe for someone who didn’t have a giant ass like hers. She picked a forest-green gown and slipped it on. The moment the luxurious fabric touched her body, she prickled. She smoothed her hand over the ensemble, admitting to herself she’d never get away with that plunging V-neck dress if she had large breasts.

“Nice,” said the deep voice behind her.

She almost jumped, the hairs behind her neck standing on end. “What are you doing here?”

“Giving you my input.”

“Since when does clothes shopping require a team? And where’s Veronica?”

“I sent her to the lower floor to grab some lingerie.”

Lingerie? A wave of warmth spread across her cheeks and neck.

“Just look at you, Emma. The green brings out your beautiful brown hair and accentuates your hazel eyes.”

She squared her shoulders, even if his voice made her melt in delicious ways. She knew what she looked like, so what the hell did he imply with that sinful accent? He clutched her shoulders with his strong hands, and the simple touch shot a surge of awareness all the way down to her clit, which throbbed wildly.

She licked her dry lips and dared to look at her reflection. Her pupils were dilated, making her eyes bigger, glossier. He stood behind her, and when her gaze collided with his in the mirror, she drew in her breath. Flecks of gold shimmered in the depths of his green irises, lust hardening his features.

Not only his features, she realized, when his erection rubbed against her back.

Her breath caught in her throat.

“The cut outlines your sexy curves.” He slid his hands to her sides, tracing the indent of her waist to her hips. She shivered, heat radiating from her chest. “When you walk, these sway,” he said, clutching her hips. “And it’ll make any red-blooded man imagine what it’s like to see you naked, to touch this gorgeous ass.” He squeezed her cheeks, and she moaned.

“All from one outfit, huh?” she asked, out of breath.

“Yes,” he said, and withdrew from her.

Disappointment made her look away from him and fidget with her hair. A part of her almost wished he’d continued what he’d started and just take her there and then.

An hour later, she exited the department store with Nico carrying more than just a few bags. He held them like they were no big deal—he’d offered to pay the small fortune for her new outfits, and her pride took a backseat to practicality. Why get in debt when he had money to throw around?

“How about something to drink?” she asked him, pointing at the café across the street from the store.

“Sure,” he said, and signaled for his driver, who stopped by the curb and retrieved the bags from him.

The driver had been waiting. Shit. Of course, Nico was a busy man. He didn’t have time to just dillydally with her—shopping had been part of his goal to have her look good. She chewed her lower lip. “Look, if you’re busy I understand…”