She pointed at the address. “If she used this address for the electric company to verify her address, then that’s where we should go.”
He nodded. “It’s only an hour away.”
A knot formed in her dry throat. She stayed pinned into place as Leonardo walked. When he reached the threshold, he turned around. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” she said in a small voice and followed him to the car. Tightening the grip of the paper in her hands, she tried to keep it together during the car ride. And succeeded for the most part. Pulling her window down, she soaked in the smell of sugar cane and watched big trucks on the highway, contrasting against a few unfortunate people who rode on donkeys under the unforgiving hot sun.
Harry had betrayed her in the past. But this…her heart raced like she was running, even though she barely shifted in her seat. There was no running from the truth.
“What’s wrong? And don’t give me a bullshit answer. Not in the mood,” he said, slanting her a look as he continued driving. Even when he sat, his spine was perfectly locked into place.
“It’s really happening,” she said, rubbing her forehead. “I guess a silly part of me wished this wasn’t true. That Harry hadn’t stolen my baby and taken her from me. But now I recognize his handwriting and we’re about to drive to see him, or should I say them…”
“Do you think they’re having an affair? That they do this to other couples? Since she’s a nurse.”
“He’s gay. They aren’t having an affair, but that’s beside the point. I feel…cheated. And I hate myself for letting him back into my life again.”
“Why are you telling me all this?”
“Because I have no one else. Forget it. You’ll probably think this is a big scheme to steal your money or something. Whatever. Just drive.”
He slowed the vehicle, and for a moment she thought he was going to pull it off the road and listen to her. Anticipation welled inside her, and it was like the raging pregnancy hormones returned with a vengeance. What the hell was she thinking? She dared to gaze at him, and found him watching her, too. A dark flicker touched his eyes, and the hazel shifted to a rich caramel. He opened his mouth slightly, then closed it, and shook his head as if to talk himself out of something. Then, he stepped on the accelerator and focused on the road ahead.