She slid on the robe, and he cursed himself for paying attention to the towel that she dropped and tossed on the bed. “Will she bring food? That sandwich you gave me—”
Enough small talk. Her deep, sexy voice was a liability. If he kept listening, her drawl could disarm him and eventually be the death of him, like male victims of mythological mermaids. “Listen, woman—”
“Woman?” She chuckled, the sound a tad lighter than the atmosphere between them. “Where did you get that from, your annual Neanderthal conference?”
Tension crackled in the air. Why would she try to humor him? The situation was nothing but serious. He wanted to make Harry pay for what he’d stolen. Would she really hand him her partner on a silver platter?
Doubtful. She chewed on her lower lip, shoulders lifted. The idea of slamming her against the wall and capturing her lips with his was tempting. His blood thickened and pounded. Maybe that’s part of her plan. Resist her.
“You are skating on thin ice, Satyanna. Don’t forget.”
“How could I? I have you to keep me honest.” She tightened the belt of her robe.
“I’m smart, but I can’t make miracles.” He paced in a couple small circles, the sole of his designer shoes squeaking against the marbled floor. Time to talk about what really mattered. “Where did you give birth?”
She threaded her fingers through her hair, doing that scrunching thing women did when they wanted to fix their curls. “At a small women’s clinic just outside Rio, in Niterói.”
Had she stayed there the entire time, so relatively close to him? While he searched for her in different states? “We’ll be visiting the clinic soon.”
She frowned. “Why?”
“Because I need to know if what happened is true. I’m going to talk to the clinic director and you need to be with me, to request your medical chart. I need evidence what you said happened isn’t just another scheme.”
“You still don’t believe me.”
“No,” he said without a blink. Why waste time lying? That was her game, not his. She had lied the second she walked into his life…and another lie had brought her back. Had she been able to fool the highway patrol, they wouldn’t be having this conversation. He still needed her to get his sculpture back, though, and confirming she either had the baby or not was the first step in dismantling her.
She folded her arms as if searching for a layer of protection. “I don’t wanna go back.”
Because it’s all a lie.What could she want from him this time, with this Mickey Mouse tale? “Why the hell not?”
“Why do I have to go with you?”
Glancing at his watch, he cursed his assistant in silence. Did it really take that long to pick up some clothes and head to his place? “Because you were the patient, not me. Besides, until we find Harry Clemonte, my dear, you aren’t leaving my sight.”
She leaned forward, her lips curling into a mocking smile. “You make it sound so…enticing.”
Was she mocking him? Before he counted to ten or reminded himself to stay away, he pushed her against the wall. It was like his body acted without any common sense. “Enough.”
She gasped. He dipped his head down, hating himself for being unable to yank his gaze off her. God, she was beautiful. Even with the bruises on her soft skin. Against his better judgment, he lifted his index finger to her mouth, and traced over her parted lips. A wild, untamable spark lit her jade eyes.
“What happened here?” he whispered, when he felt the cut on her bottom lip.
Satyanna tried to move, but he held her chin up. “A woman from prison wanted to claim me as her girlfriend,” she said in a casual tone.
His gut clenched. An intrusive wave of tenderness swept over him. His fingers tingled, and he found himself stroking her jaw line. “You fought her?”
With a sigh, she leaned into his caress. “I fought her and her friends.”
He bit back a smile. He learned from Ulisses, his detective, that Satyanna was no damsel in distress. She had excelled at karate, and now he was damn glad for it. Pride threaded down his spine. “Do you need to see a doctor?”
She peered at his lips. “No.”
Drawing a long breath, he pondered. How easy would this be to have his way with her, and get rid of the frustrating sexual tension for good? No. That wasn’t right. Not only was there little he could offer her, but taking her like this—bruised, overwhelmed, even if she acted like she was ready for another round—was plain wrong.
The sound of the downstairs door pulled him from his thoughts. Disengaging from her, he withdrew and exhaled.
“Leonardo?” called his assistant from the first floor.