Chapter Thirteen
“Gosh, I wish I could stop eating.” Addie picked an apple from the fruit bowl. “This baby’s hungry all the time. Or maybe it’s me and I’m already blaming it on him or her.”
“Hey, at least you’re making healthy choices,” Satyanna said, riveted by the chocolate cake sitting on the granite countertop. To keep temptation at bay, she swiveled on the stool. “You really don’t want to know the gender?”
“Nah. We’ll wait until we see the baby.”
“That must be killing you,” she said. Since she’d arrived at the house last week, Addie became the good friend she never had growing up. She helped her with the baby, and teased her whenever she mispronounced a word in Portuguese while talking to Maria or the security guards Leonardo had hired.
Addie winked at her. “Hence eating for an army.”
Satyanna cut herself a piece of cake. “I guess I’ll test my good metabolism and worry about the calories later.”
Addie chuckled. “Oh please. You have nothing to worry about. By the way, is Leonardo still at work?”
“He’s been busy.”
Busy was an understatement. The day after their passionate lovemaking when she caught him feeding Lyanna for the first time, Leonardo had gone to Maranhão for a couple days to talk to the local authorities about Harry. Unfortunately, he hadn’t been lucky, and Harry was still at large.
“He’s mentioned he’s telling his clients he will be out of service for a while.” Addie finished the apple and tossed the core into the bin. She eyed the cake, and tilted her head to the side, as if entertaining the idea of eating it. “Fuck it. The baby wants what the baby wants.” She grabbed a fresh plate from the cupboard and a fork, and cut a slice for her.
“Atta girl.”
Satyanna toyed with her fork. Who was she to advise anyone? She had conformed to Leonardo’s proposition of her living in Brazil permanently.
It was obvious she needed her head checked. Yet…when she’d seen him through the video baby monitor, holding the baby and whispering sweet nothings to her, that had set her pulse on a crazy race. How could she deny her daughter what she never had?
Whatever his flaws were, Leonardo was a good parent. He put everything on the side to care for his daughter. She had really noticed it during the past several days. He enjoyed spending time with her—and he had been cordial with Satyanna, even if they hadn’t had sex again.
Addie opened the refrigerator and retrieved a bottle of water. “Do you love Leonardo?” she asked casually, as if chatting about a TV show.
Satyanna almost choked on the cake she tried to swallow. If she talked about her feelings to someone else, that would mean they existed. And if they existed, how painful would it be if—the most likely scenario—they weren’t requited? “What? Leonardo, well, he’s…”
Addie took a swig of water, then waved her off. “The Duartes are an interesting bunch.”
“Easy for you to say. You got the fun one who’s relaxed and put that big rock on your finger. I’m agreeing to be someone’s concubine without the sex. I guess I will be the official baby mama.”
Addie smiled. “He’s a good man, Satyanna.”
Satyanna sat her fork down. “I guess that’s debatable. He’s a good father, and possibly a good lover. But I don’t know if he’s being good to me in the way I want him to be. For someone who’s sort of conservative and into justice, I thought he’d make the right decision.”
“Which is?”
“Well, marry me? It doesn’t have to be today or tomorrow, but we have a daughter and I’d like to give her the stable home I never had. What if he gets tired of me and finds a girlfriend? I’ll still be living here, in another country.”
Addie grinned and leaned in as if she was about to share a secret. “I’ve seen how he looks at you. I don’t think he’ll get another girlfriend soon. Or ever.”
Satyanna rolled her eyes. I wish. “Yeah, right.”
Addie cleared the dishes and gestured for them to go to the living area. “It’s his life, and I don’t mean to talk about it…but Leonardo always had a lot of responsibilities early on. And I can imagine he’s facing it all again now, in a way, with parenthood and a maniac who’s trying to get his baby. He just needs time to adjust.”
“Maybe you’re right.”
“He’s worth it. Worth the wait, Satyanna.”
“Thanks.” Satyanna looked at the baby, who kicked her legs on the blanket they brought to the living room. Bruno had left the house for some meetings, and a set of burly security guys enjoyed coffee in the kitchen.
Besides a couple quick trips to the supermarket—accompanied—Satyanna hadn’t ventured out much, and realized that was the price to pay. Why would Harry want her back after all she’d done?