When had she last had a period?
She’d been so busy for the last few days that she forgot to count.
Oh no… she was late.
She left the restroom and rushed out of the building. She needed to get to the nearest pharmacy, because something deep inside told her that the bug in her tummy was here to stay.
Half an hour later, she was in the same restroom, holding a positive pregnancy test.
She sat inside the stall, where she wished she could stay for the rest of the day.
She took one test, and had bought a few extra to make sure. But the writing was on the wall.
How could it be? She’d been on birth control for the past two years, to regulate her period. Taking it in the morning was so second nature that she didn’t think much of it.
She never skipped it, and knew all the rules if she ever forgot.
She clapped her hand to her mouth, like anyone would hear her gasp anyway. When they had sex, she was recovering from jet lag. During her flight to Australia, she missed taking the pill for a day. Just a day, right? She narrowed her eyes, wishing she’d remembered. She’d been so tired and out of it because of the mammoth time difference…
If she missed a couple of days and ovulated, it could have happened.
Could have? It had.
Another wave of panic washed through her, this time lasting longer than the last.
What would she do? She had to tell Jack about it. He’d probably resent her for it… and maybe even think she did it on purpose because of his money. No. He couldn’t be that backwards, right?
She slid the test in her purse, like she needed that evidence, that proof, and left the stall. She could always go back home… but where was home anymore? Both her cousins were successful with their careers and men in New York City. And if she returned to Hope Springs… she’d have to deal with her dad.
She couldn’t let her baby go through any of the heartache she experienced as a child. She touched her stomach over her blouse. She’d make sure he or she wouldn’t.
Washing her hands, she squared her shoulders, and a surge of empowerment raced through her. She would be okay.
But first, she’d need to tell Jack the news.