Page 82 of Dollars (Dollar 2)

Kisses and blowjobs and sinking inside her were the one-track playlist of my utterly obsessed mind.

I hated her being in my room. I loved her being in my room. Instincts clawed, whispering falsehoods that she’d come on her own accord. While she was in my domain, I was free to do what I liked to her.

I was a fucking wreck from keeping my hands off her and myself.

And when I played for her.

Fuck, it had been the biggest aphrodisiac.

I always got hard when I played. It wasn’t something I could control. It wasn’t sexual but more of a thrill that gave me pleasure. And that pleasure had compounded to supernova the second I pulled her lips to mine.

And when the kiss ended? Pimlico didn’t look as nearly as wild. Shit tons of adrenaline ran through her system from my music, and if I was honest, I shared the same shaky high from her kiss, but when I’d pulled her from my bed and guided her to the door, she hadn’t disobeyed. She’d floated as if a tiny piece of the chains holding her down had been snipped.

It took every inch of willpower I had left to kiss her forehead and send her back to her room.

I deliberately kicked her out so I couldn’t give into temptation. It would’ve been too easy to strip the robe and push her backward on the bed. Too simple to spread her legs and lick her; to climb on top of her and take her.

I wanted to sample her so goddamn much.

But sex between us would never be simple. It would be pleasurable for me and pain for her. She’d never been taught how to find enjoyment in fucking. According to her notes to No One (to me), she’d been a virgin. The only sex she knew was with bastards trying to destroy her.

I refused to be yet another one of those.

Sex with Pim would be a labyrinthine of complications, and that reason alone gave me the courage to get rid of her.

If I took her, she’d have to want it too—just like she’d wanted that kiss, even if she hadn’t known it until I pressed my lips to hers.

Her gaze when I pulled away hadn’t been tear-filled or vacant but soft, as if wondering what the hell happened but no longer afraid of new.

Drawing my mind from yesterday, inhaling deep against the lust I hadn’t been able to shed, I turned off the shower and waited as warm droplets cascaded over me. The pounding in my cock hurt and the urge to self-pleasure got harder and harder every day. I hadn’t relieved myself since she got on her knees and gave me a blowjob I hadn’t asked for.

And now, we’d kissed?

I didn’t know how much more self-control I possessed to keep my distance from her.

But today is a new day. Today is teaching time.

I was her master; she was my pupil. There were boundaries in that relationship that couldn’t be crossed.

Slinging a towel around my waist, I headed into my suite that was three times the size of Pimlico’s and strolled into my walk-in wardrobe. There, I selected a pair of beige shorts and white t-shirt, slipping my feet into simple flip-flops.

My phone said the time was nine a.m., and for the first time since I’d carried Pimlico on board, I wanted to see her. I didn’t want to avoid her because she was too complicated and frustrating. I wanted to work with her to earn another break-through because, Christ, it was rewarding.

Pocketing my phone, I left my quarters and headed down a deck to hers. Stupidly, my hand shook a little as I knocked on her door.

She answered promptly as if she’d been waiting for me.

Once again, she was naked.

No shame or apology.

Her hair hung over her breasts, wet from her shower, her stomach shadowed with muscle, swiftly returning from emaciated to toned.

When she’d first arrived, I was attracted more to her inner beauty. I didn’t see the beaten slave or bruises, I saw a worthy adversary.

But now…

Holy fuck.

Now, I saw a woman becoming more and more stunning every day. Her body slowly shed its illness and pain, remembering how to fill out in all the best places. Her breasts were fuller, her hips less sharp. With no jewellery or tattoos or makeup, she was the epitome of natural, and shit, she took my breath away.

“You can’t do that much longer, Pim.” My gaze refused to unglue from her body. I couldn’t stop staring at every exposed inch.

Her head tilted as she held the doorknob, a knowing smile on her face. For a woman who’d been forced to endure sex, she acted as if she enjoyed my eyes on her. As if it gave her redemption as a sexual creature.

I got it.

Having me stare was an exchange of power. I had no way of hiding how my hands balled or throat clenched with desire. She controlled me completely.