Page 53 of Dollars (Dollar 2)

I bared my teeth like a cornered animal.

Motherfucking shit.

I paced away from the table, glaring at him. “Quit while you’re ahead. I’m done talking about this.”

His shoulders tensed as if to blurt everything I’d tried to keep hidden, everything I’d covered up, but footsteps sounded behind me, signalling our time together was over.

Thank Christ.

Relaxing, he smiled. “I don’t know what happened or why that prodigy vanished, but I do know your true name, Elder Prest. I know the real man beneath the rumours. That is the man I hired to build my yacht. A man who has been called obsessive, a perfectionist. A man who can’t let something go until he rules it. I hired you because I want to keep my family safe, and no one will do a better job because you have no choice but to deliver excellence.”

He kissed his daughter’s head, standing upright with her small body in his arms. “That is the man worthy of being possessed by either country or woman—not someone who should be alone.”

His voice rang in my head.

He knows my true name?

I hadn’t let myself remember for so long. As far as I was concerned, I had no other name. I had no other life—no other existence before this one.

My skin crawled to leave.

Dina appeared, heading to her husband and children. “The discussions are over so soon?”

“Yes.” I didn’t look at her, scooping my phone and notepad off the table and tucking them into my trouser pockets. “I’ve heard everything I need to hear.” I glowered at Simo.

He looked back with a respectful nod rather than taunting glint. He hadn’t told me he knew who I was to intimidate me. I didn’t know why he had. But stupidly, I trusted him not to blab.

If I didn’t trust him, he wouldn’t be walking out of this restaurant. Bodyguards or royal blood be damned.

Pim drifted to my side, her gaze locked on my face. She tilted her head, sucking on her bottom lip as if she understood the turbulent anger corroding me.

She could fucking look.

But until she told me her secrets, she wouldn’t be earning mine.

Simo hoisted his daughter to his hip, holding out his hand. “It was nice talking to you, Elder. We should share our love of music again sometime.”

I snorted, unwillingly shaking his palm. “There won’t be a next time.”

“Perhaps.” He smiled. “But you will email over the new blueprints once the amendments have been drawn up?”

I straightened my back. “After everything you just revealed about me, do you doubt it?”

The little boy, jealous of his sister in his father’s arms, wrapped his arms around Dina’s leg, blinking sleepily.

Simo chuckled. “You are right, my friend. You will because I know who you are.”

Pim sucked in a breath beside me. No doubt reading into Simo’s sentence incorrectly. She thought she knew me. She thought all I wanted was to fuck her and dispose of her.

That’s what you want her to believe.

And it was what she would continue to believe.

Because it’s the goddamn truth.

Bowing slightly at Dina, I murmured, “Pleasure meeting you. I promise your yacht will have everything you require and more.”

“Thank you, Elder.” She hugged her son’s head to her thigh. “If you’re ever in Morocco again, please let us know, and we’ll arrange a tour of our wonderful city.”

“You’re very kind.” Bracing myself, I grabbed Pim’s elbow and steered her away from the table. “We’ll remain in touch via email. Until then, have a good afternoon.”

“Goodbye, Elder.” The Royal Highness and his family exited through the back of the restaurant away from the public eye.

Selix fell in step with me and Pim. She had no choice but to move as I guided her to the exit. Restaurant shadows steadily brightened as we traded fan-disturbed air for hot, sticky noon.

The doorway wasn’t wide enough for both of us to pass. I pushed her ahead of me, clenching my jaw against the mottled bruises still decorating the top of her shoulders. The beads of her spine were too pronounced beneath her dress, still too stark and crying of an unhappy tale.

My hands balled in rage. After the meeting from hell and knowledge that someone other than me and my mother knew who I truly was, I wasn’t in the mood to be gentle.

I wished Alrik was still alive. I’d fucking kill him all over again for what he’d done to Pim and for my own black satisfaction.

Having his marks on her drove me insane. Seeing her malnourished and unhappy while belonging to me made me criticize the very reason why I’d got involved with her in the first place.

I need to do better.

I was someone who cared about perfection.

When had I forgotten that and twisted perfection into an obsession I could no longer handle?

I needed her healthier, happier if I was to earn whatever it was I wanted. The hard part was I still didn’t know what I wanted. Or why I kept up this farce when she only complicated my life.