Page 46 of Dollars (Dollar 2)

His fingers looped sensually around my elbow, dragging me forward a step in a purely dominating move. “You come, and you agree to return. Running will only get you killed—especially in this country. You’re a white female with no money, passport, or voice. Do you honestly think you’ll find safety?”

My chin came up.

I might.

Not all men are monsters.

He pursed his lips. “Are you willing to risk what I’m offering with the hope that someone out there will take pity on you, buy you a plane ticket, track down your mother, and send you home?”

My body froze as he stepped closer until his flip-flops brushed my bare feet. “People want to be good, silent one, but they’re lazy. The novelty of helping you would wear off quickly and then where would you be? Jumping at shadows and running for the rest of your life.”

My heart became a landmine, just waiting for one more push to explode.

“I’m willing to break your past and give you a future you deserve, not the world you were stolen from.” He let me go. “Remember that if you ever get the urge to leave.”

Turning around, he stalked toward the lift. “Inform the chef I’ll return for dinner, Jolfer.” He didn’t give me a backward glance.

His words rang like a gong inside my ears. I knew he’d read my notes to No One but having him talk about my mother…that hurt to the point of destruction.

Would Elder find her for me if I asked him?

I hadn’t even contemplated that he would want me gone eventually. I was the one who wanted to leave. The one who wanted this to be…temporary.

It messed with my mind to have him admit the same.

Elder wrenched to a halt a few metres away, snapping his fingers in impatience. “Yes or no, Pim. Decide, right now.”

Was there any correct answer? Was I doomed if I did and doomed if I didn’t? Either way, the thought of a day in Morocco after a lifetime of England and then white-captivity was no choice at all.

Striding forward, the sheet rippled around my legs.

Elder smiled as I slowed beside him. “We’ll see if you made the right choice soon enough.” His strong arm wrapped around me, the hardness of his bicep pressing against my spine. With the tiniest pressure, he corralled me forward into the glassed area where the lift waited.

His fingers branded me through the fine cotton. My heart suffered its final push, and the landmine exploded with shrapnel. The pieces fed into my bloodstream making every breath, twitch, and awareness of Elder Prest agonising.

Whenever he touched me, it was more than just a touch. It was possession. In every sense of the word. But it was never a threat. And I couldn’t unscramble how he could be one without the other.

Pressing the button to summon the elevator, he murmured, “I haven’t made a fuss of your lack of wardrobe while on Phantom. However, since you’re accompanying me on business, it’s time you grew accustomed to wearing clothes.”

I blanched at the thought of tight clinging material in the Moroccan heat. He’d switched my life upside down—torn everything I’d known into shreds. The air conditioners that’d dried out my skin and kept me chilled no longer existed on his yacht. The heat was dispersed by natural breezes with open balconies and portals.

I’d never stopped to think about why that was.

And just how much Elder had studied me. How did he make my knees tremble when he was close? How did he take a normal touch and turn it so weighty and hot and…dare I admit, delicious and not disgusting?

I tried to read him as he stared into my face, both of us seeking answers to whatever riddles the other caused.

Straightening my spine, I hugged the sheet tighter in delayed answer to his dressing command.

His eyes lingered on my collarbone, dipping to the small amount of visible cleavage. “Do you want to come?”

I narrowed my eyes.

The way his voice feathered over the word come made it a sexual not innocent question.

He already knew I’d go with him. That despite myself, I was excited to see new things and be around people and adventures.

He didn’t need an answer to his question. Especially the sexual connotation.

He only wanted me to respond.


Cocking my chin, I sucked on my bottom lip. Two could play at this game.

I think.

His muscles locked as his eyes became obsessed with my mouth.

The power he granted as lust filled his gaze allowed me to step outside my self-imposed rules and nod.

Just once.

Yes, I want to.

He never looked away from the glisten left by my tongue on my lip. “See, replying wasn’t so hard, was it?”

Hard physically? No. Hard psychologically? Yes. A thousand times yes, especially when he looked at me as if he was no longer a man but a ravenous beast with an appetite for mute prisoners…