We near the basement, and everyone falls silent. Footsteps sound behind us, and we know it's the rest of the family coming. Granda and Killian are already here. Granda is fuming, and it's not just because two of his grandsons are arseholes. No, there’s more to it, and I guess we will find out when all this shit is over and done with.
Makenna pushes the door open, and there they are.
My brothers.
The traitors.
Sat in only their pants, tied to a chair, both are expressionless. Their jaws are clenched, their gazes fixed on the wall in front of them, and neither of them pay any attention to the pissed off men in the room with them.
Makenna, Denis, and I wait until the others join us. As soon as the room is filled, Makenna steps forward.
“You have one chance,” she says, her voice even. That's a sure-fire way to know my sister is livid. You do not want to get on the bad side of her, and yet these two fuckers already have. Still, she's giving them a chance to tell their side of the story before we all kill them.
“Tell me why you have been conspiring against this family.”
What my traitorous brothers do not realize is that every single one of the men they had working with them have already been rounded up and killed. While I was with Destiny last night, Dante, Romero, Danny, Malcolm, Dennis, Hayden, Liam, and Destiny’s family all made sure there was no one left to take over this failed attempt of a coup.
Makenna's question is met by silence. Not that I expected either of them to give an answer. Cowards.
“She asked you a question,” I snap. My words are harsh and filled with rage. “Now fucking answer her.”
Cian squirms in his seat. He's always been the one who was easily led. I zero in on him, knowing that the best chance of us getting answers is for him to speak, and hopefully, Patrick will follow suit.
“Cian, why did you do this?” I cannot keep the disgust out of my voice.
His face flames, and his jaw tightens. It seems little brother is growing a backbone after all.
“You stand there, and you let her take everything this family worked hard for. That this family built from the ground up,” he starts, his chest rising and falling rapidly. This is a new side to him.
“You did jack shit, you little prick,” Granda growls at him. “Ibuilt this family from the ground up.Iworked tirelessly so my children, and their children, would have a life of luxury. To have a heritage they could be proud of.”
Cian juts his chin out. “My father grew this family’s name here in the States. Not you. Him.”
“Actually,” Liam says, stepping forward. “Your father, God rest his soul, made a name for the Gallagher’s in New York, and only in New York. Your sister… now she’s the one who grew this family here in the States. She's the reason we’re expanding into other states. Didn't you ever learn that you don't bite the hand that feeds you?”
“Without your sister, this family would never have reached the height of notoriety that we have,” Killian growls. He considers Makenna a daughter, as she went to live with him after the shit went down with Ma.
“Because of your sister, we are the leading drug runners on the East Coast. It's because of your sister that our recruitment level is the highest it has ever been, and not just for us Irish. I'm talking about the Italians too. It's down to your sister that the Gallagher name instills fear in everybody. If you had paid even the slightest bit of attention to what she was building, we wouldn't be here right now,” he snaps, the veins in his neck bulging.
“But—” Cian begins.
I cut him off, not in the mood to listen to his excuses. “You are a fucking idiot,” I tell him, pissed that I trusted these two fuckers. “You listened to him and let him warp your mind.”
He bristles at my words. “I don’t need anyone to warp my mind. What makes her special? What—because Ma slit her throat?”
Makenna tenses at his words. “No, because unlike you two fucking bastards, I’m loyal, and I know what I’m doing.”
Patrick makes a dismissive sound, his lips curling into a snarl. “Because you were trained. No one else was given the same opportunity. None of us were ever given what you were. If we had been, do you honestly believe you’d be the boss now?” He laughs. “No. We all know it would be Finn who would have the job. Want to know why?” he taunts her.
“Oh, enlighten us,” she replies icily.
“Because Finn is respected by everyone. There wouldn’t have been a coup if he was the boss. And not because you’re a girl, but because you lead with your anger instead of your head. Finn is the one who should be where you are. How do you feel, knowing that because of you, he’ll never have what he deserves?”
This is fucking bullshit. I’m not standing here listening to this shit.
“You done?” I growl, and his gaze slices to me. “Yeah, you’re done.”
He continues to address Makenna. “You can't stand there and tell me what I'm saying isn't true. Look around you; every single person here isn't disagreeing with me because they believe the same thing. You got your throat slit. It should never have happened, but it did, and because of it you got to become the Boss. Tell me, Makenna, how is that fair?”