My entire family is here.Denis, Danny, and Malcolm went to Da’s and got the women, while the rest of the men and Makenna came here. Everyone’s silently waiting for news.
My aunt Edwina,Uncle Liam, and their sons, Hayes and Hayden, arrived ten minutes ago. Killian and my granda are on their way over from Ireland. They’re expected to arrive early tomorrow morning, which gives me all night to watch over Destiny.
“Nothing yet,”Makenna says as she and Dante stand and greet Destiny’s family. “Thank you for what you did today. We appreciate it.”
Levi waves her away.“It wasn’t supposed to go down like that, but we couldn’t stand back and allow that man to target your family. We knew you’d be the one to kill him if we didn’t show up. We weren’t willing to let that happen.”
Dante’s smile is grim.“We understand.”
Him better than most.The reason Dante became the head of the Italian Mafia was because he killed the previous one—who also happened to be his father. Matteo Bianchi deserved to die. It was a shame it wasn’t painful and bloody. But the bastard is gone, and we got to fucking celebrate that.
“How long hasshe been in surgery?” Conrad questions as he takes one of the vacant seats.
Too fucking long.
My silence is answer enough.
A broken leg,multiple broken ribs, a broken nose, multiple contusions, and she's got a punctured lung. Every single one of those injuries are a result of what my brother did to her. And I'll make sure I repay him in kind.
“Do you need any help?Drake explained what information Destiny asked him to retrieve for her. You have traitors in your midst, Mr. and Mrs. Bianchi. Men who have betrayed you and put my niece in harm's way. My son and I are in full agreement. If you need us and our men, we are at your disposal.” The anger in Conrad’s voice would make a lesser man quiver with fear.
You do not fuckwith our family, and you certainly don't put them in hospital. Patrick made the greatest mistake of his life. Going after Makenna was one thing, but touching Destiny, that's something I cannot, will not, tolerate. Nobody touches my woman and lives to tell the tale.
Makenna and Dante share a look,one that tells us they're silently communicating. Dante turns to Levi and Conrad. “That would be great, thank you. While we are waiting for news on Destiny, we're going to send our men out and start rounding up the traitors. Do your men want to team up with ours?”
Levi gives a slight nod.He clicks his fingers, and a man steps forward. “Tell the men to be on standby. Let Drake know he has a choice: he can come up here and wait with us or he can go with the other men and help the Bianchi’s find those who have betrayed them.”
The man stands taller.“Boss, I'd also like to join the hunt. Most of the men would too. Sitting here while we wait for news isn't helping anyone.”
“That's fine.Go. Whatever orders the Bianchi or Gallagher men give you and our men, make sure you follow them. The last thing we need is for these fuckers to escape. No more innocent people are going to get hurt.”
The men leave,and then it’s just family.
My body’sstrung tight as I anxiously wait for news on Destiny.
“This wasn’t your fault,”Makenna says softly as I pace yet again. “What happened wasn’t down to you. It’s all on Pat and Cian.”
“He wasin the fucking house, Kenna. He fed Pat information. Information that almost got her killed.” I run my hands through my hair. I’m annoyed and angry, mainly at myself. I should have known Cian was in on it as well. He was too blasé about everything. He was too chilled about Pat going after Makenna. I should have seen the signs. If I had, this would never have happened.
“Your sister is right, Finn,”Dante says, as he sidles up to Makenna and holds her tight.
“Geez,did you have to say that?” Hayden asks. “It’ll go to her head, and that's the last thing we need.”
Chuckles sound around the room,and I see that mostly everyone is fighting a smile. I get what Hayden’s doing. He's trying to lighten the mood, and I appreciate it. Any other time, I would laugh along with them. But I can't, not with Destiny lying on a fucking table somewhere in this hospital, her body cut open.
“She'll be okay,”Denis assures me. “She's a fighter, Finn. We all saw that. When she gets out of hospital, and she will, just bear in mind that nightmares may follow her.”
“I don't give a fuck;I just want her to be okay.” I stop my pacing and stand against the wall. I’m not sure how I’ll cope if she’s not.
“After what happened with Raylee,her nightmares lasted a while. They eventually went away. With time, the wounds and scars will fade, and the memories won't be as scary anymore. Just make sure she knows you're there to support her,” Malcolm tells me, reliving his and his wife’s trauma. Raylee was pregnant when she was kidnapped. They beat her, and when Malcolm found her, he thought she was dead.
I swallowpast the lump in my throat and give them both a grateful smile. I may not have known them for long, but they’re important to me. I owe them a fuck of a lot, and I doubt I’ll ever be able to repay them.
“Getthat thought out of your head,” Denis tells me. “You don’t owe us shit. This is what family does. You were shot trying to save my daughter,” he reminds me. Not that I need it. “Just suck it up and accept that when shit goes down, your family has your back.”
I smiledespite the shitty situation we’re in.
The doors open,and my body gets even tighter as the doctor that’s been looking after Destiny steps forward.