Page 63 of Vengeful Union

Makenna said that if they proved they were trustworthy and could handle her being Boss, she would make them underbosses. Granda had other ideas. He didn't believe they deserved it, especially with how they reacted after they found out Makenna would be in charge. Patrick was enraged, said some things that were untrue and fucking ridiculous. I had believed he said those things in anger, but he hadn’t. Since then, he’s actively been trying to recruit people to take her down.

“It must be to do with what Destiny gave you,” Danny says. “When she left, she was taken. She had no reason to be taken other than she found out what he was up to, and she told you.”

Makenna and Dante filled Romero, Danny, and Malcolm in on what we found. Melissa is currently searching for who the other traitor is, and Callie’s recruiting her family to help while Holly contacts Hayden and asks him to join us. Raylee is talking to her brothers in Spain, who are also part of the criminal underworld.

It’s something Patrick never thought of—how deep the ties within our family go. Every single woman who has been married into the family has brought along more alliances. Melissa is not only a talented hacker, but her family has deeply rooted ties to the criminal world in the UK. Raylee’s brothers are the head of the biggest syndicate in Spain. Callie’s family spans Ireland and Spain with their reach. Not to mention that Callie and her father are legitimate business entrepreneurs who have many well placed contacts.

All our women are vital to us. So, anything that threatens us, they’ll back us and vice versa. It’s something my brother never took into consideration, as he believes women have no place in our world other than to be seen and bear our children. Fucking arsehole.

“Could it be something to do with her father?” Cian questions. “Patrick and Carter were in business together. They both wanted to bring Kenna down. What if him taking Destiny is a way to get back at Carter? He doesn’t know he’s dead.”

I groan. That isn’t something I thought of.

Romero nods in agreement. “That makes more sense.”

“Does it?” I grit out. “None of this makes any fucking sense. That arsehole has her and we do not know what the fuck he’s doing to her.”

“I get it; you want to rip every fucker’s head off. But, Finn,” Romero says quietly, “you have to breathe and focus on your woman. You need to keep your sanity so you can dish out the punishment when the time comes.”

I suck in a deep breath. He’s right. Destiny needs me to have a clear fucking head right now.

“We’re almost there,” Romero assures me.

Makenna taps away on her phone. “I know you don’t trust anyone right now, but, Finn, we can’t go in blind. I’ve called for backup. The men will be here soon.”

I grit my teeth but give her a small nod, letting her know I heard her. I don’t like that she’s bringing in people who aren’t family and could potentially be on Pat’s side, but I also understand that we’re going to need as many men on our side as we can get.

“I need you to keep your head, Finn,” Makenna says as we draw closer to the marina. “I know your priority will be to get to Destiny, but we need you to not go off like a lone wolf.”

I can’t guarantee that. If he’s hurting her, then I’ll do whatever the fuck it takes to get her to safety.

A hand clasps my shoulder. “No matter what, we’ve got your back,” Malcolm says, so only I can hear him.

I turn and look at him. Both he and Danny hold my stare, both silently offering me their support.

“Finn—” Makenna begins.

“Don’t.” My tone is harsh, and fuck it, I don’t care. “Don’t tell me to follow your lead, Kenna. I’ll do whatever the fuck I have to do to get Destiny away from that bastard.”

She sighs. “I knew you were going to say that. But, Finn, we can’t afford to be split. We need to be a unit.”

“I agree with Finn,” Danny speaks up from behind us. “I say we go in and find Destiny. The last thing we want is for her to be caught in the crossfire. None of us know what he’s done to her. She was involved in a car crash; she could be injured.”

“He’s right. We go in, find Destiny, and then make sure any traitors are dealt with,” Malcolm inputs.

“And what’ll happen when the traitors start running? Hmm? How are we going to get them then?” Dante asks, his tone hard.

I understand his aversion to getting Destiny first. His priority is Makenna and making sure she’s safe.

“We owe Destiny.” I’m fucking shocked those words came from Romero. “She’s the one who tipped us off as to what Patrick was doing. Without her information, we’d still be twiddling our thumbs, trying to figure out what he’s up to and who he's got onside.”

“Not to mention, she killed Carter. She took that headache off our hands,” Denis says, the respect clear in his voice.

A heavy sigh escapes Dante. “Fine, but once we have Destiny secured, we take out everyone who’s with that bastard.”

“Agreed,” everyone responds.

I turn to my sister, who’s been quiet. “What is it?”