My father sighs,and lightning fast, sends his fist into my temple. Pain bursts inside my head, and the last thought I have is how much of a bastard he is.
Then I succumbto the darkness and pass out.
Three months later
Ipull at the restraints keeping me tied to my bed, but my effort to escape is futile; my body too weak from the lack of food I've had during the past three months. I whimper as the rope chafes at my wrist, tearing even more skin. This is never ending. Each day that passes brings a different emotion. I’ve given up often; wished for death. Other days, I’m angry and disgusted that someone who’s meant to love me has done this to me. I’m wondering how he managed to hide his true persona for all these years. I guess the devil really is in disguise. I hate my father. He’s the reason I’m tied to a bed, my skin rubbed raw from the rope. Because of him, I’ve lost everything, and he doesn’t give a shit. Every day that passes, I feel more energy seep from me. I’ve lost count of how long I’ve been tied here. Last I remember, we’re on day ninety.
I feel dirty. Having that bastard doctor inspect me to make sure I was the perfect virgin, so my father could sell me, was one of the most harrowing experiences I’ve ever had to deal with. My father’s gone off the deep end and he’s going to take everyone with him.
Dad’s got rid of a lot of men, and the ones that remain aren’t around much anymore. The older men—the ones who watched me grow up; they’re now working the streets, trying to recruit. Especially Drake. He’s being used as a soldier rather than a right-hand man. I know Dad’s keeping him out of the house so he doesn’t discover what he’s done to me. I think Drake may actually try and kill him if he ever found out.
Dad’s borrowing money left and right. Every day I hear him talking to someone, promising he’ll have the money soon, but in the next conversation he has, he’s borrowing more money to repay the last bit he borrowed. It’s an endless cycle, one that’ll get him killed. Especially if he’s borrowing from the Russians.
It seems as though my life changed in a blink of an eye, but I can actually pin-point the exact time it fell apart. The day my uncle Frank died. His daughter, Georgina, came to live with us, and my world, as I knew it, became twisted and dark. It was like I was gasping for air, and no one saw me slowly drowning. But I’ve come to realize that my father was good at hiding his true self and had so many people fooled. Especially me.
Georgina was pretty in a fake way. She loved the attention men showed her, and it ended up being her downfall. The only thing I can say is good riddance. But with her demise came my father’s downfall. His confidence can only get him so far. Soon enough, the Gallagher’s are going to find out that he’s the reason their father is dead, and when they do, my father has no way of surviving when they seek their vengeance.
I hear a door slamming, and I brace for what’s about to come. My father’s home, and judging by the continuous slamming of doors, he’s had a bad day. No doubt he’s lost even more money to gambling. He’s pissed that he can’t sell my mother’s house, which is in my name. It belonged to my great-grandfather and has been passed down from generation to generation. When my mom died, the deeds moved over to me, meaning my father has to come up with some other way to repay his debts. He could sell this house, but that would make people realize that not all is what it seems in Carter Mansion. I’ll never give him my mother’s house. No matter what happens, I’m going to be sold or killed. I’ll keep her memory alive and her house untainted.
My bedroom door opens, and I tense. I never know what’s going to happen when he barges in. But the look on my father’s face is unlike anything I’ve seen before. His lips are pulled back in a snarl, his eyes wide and filled with fear, his body trembling.
“What’s happened?” My voice is shaky and hoarse. It’s been a while since I’ve used it.
He glances around the room, his eyes darting from corner to corner, almost as if he’s expecting something to jump out of the shadows.
“It’s time for me to leave,” he tells me, his voice dark and filled with hatred.
“Leave?” I whisper. “Where are we supposed to go? You have no money.”
He stalks toward me, the snarl on his face deepening. “I know you’ve hidden it,” he hisses. “You think I’m stupid? Your mom’s money is gone. There’s only one person who could have it.” His green eyes flash with anger. “You. I want that money, Destiny.”
I stare at him, unable to hide my contempt. And not for the first time this past year, I wonder if he’s always been this way, and I was oblivious, or whether he’s changed so much that he’s become someone I despise. Since he’s kept me captive, he’s constantly asking for the money my mother left me. I lie through my teeth about it. I’ll never tell him where the money is kept. I’m beaten and starved as punishment for not telling him what he wants, but I’m far from stupid. I give him what he wants, and then I become a loose end.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I tell him, my body lethargic as I try to move. I’m bound and frail. I’ve lost weight over the past ninety days. Too much weight. I’m given just enough food and drink to survive, but it’s not enough. I’m sick, and it’s getting worse as each day passes.
I’m so feeble that I’m unable to move quick enough to dodge the punch he throws my way. It smashes into my cheek, and pain bursts from it. I cry out. Fuck. He’s such a prick.
“Where’s the money, Destiny?” he growls, leering over me.
I lie once again. “I don’t know,” I croak, my cheek smarting from the punch.
His fingers fist in my hair, lifting my head off the bed. “Don’t fucking lie to me,” he snarls. “I know you have it. I need it. If I don’t get it, the Gallagher’s are going to kill me. Do you understand?”
Oh, now I get it. He’s in deep with the Gallagher’s, and now he wants his ass bailed out. “Morbid, don’t you think? I mean, you killed Seamus, and yet you’re borrowing money from his children.”
He sucks in a deep breath, his eyes wild as heat rushes to his face. “What did you just say?”
“You gave the order for Holly Gallagher to be taken. You’re the reason Seamus is dead.”
His green eyes fill with rage, and the hand in my hair tightens. Tears spring to my eyes, and I bite my lip to stop the whimper from escaping.
“You,” he sneers. “You haven’t learned. Didn’t Georgina teach you last year? Hmm? Didn’t she show you what happens when you fuck with us?”
I release a shaky laugh. “Did Mom know how fucking twisted you truly are, or were you just that good at hiding it?”