I send three punches consecutively into Cian’s face. His scream rents the air, like a fucking Banshee, letting everyone know his death is close.
I know Makenna wants him alive so she can finish the job, so my last two punches are aimed at his torso. My bloodlust is kicking in, and I’m dying to get started on Patrick.
Makenna steps up and delivers blow after blow to Patrick. Hers are very scrappy, her anger getting the best of her. Not that anyone here can blame her. When she finishes, Pat’s bleeding profusely. Not an inch of his face isn’t covered in blood.
“I had hoped that I’d be the one to kill you,” she tells him, her voice vibrating with anger. “But after what you did to Destiny…” she shakes her head. “You deserve everything you’re about to get from Finn.”
“No,” he says, shaking his head slowly. “Please, no.”
She laughs in his face. “You made your bed, Patrick. Now you have to lie in it.” She turns her gaze to Cian. “You,” she snarls at him. “You’re all mine.”
I walk toward Patrick, the weapon pressed tightly against my palm. He lowers his gaze, but not before I see the sheer fear in his eyes. Oh yes, vengeance is going to be sweet.
Ihear hushed tones, ones I don’t recognize, and fear grips me as everything comes rushing back. My memories hit me hard and fast:
Patrick being crazed and enraged; the panic that clawed its way up my body as I realized what he had planned for me; the sheer fear I felt when I went hurtling toward the water. But nothing was as bad as having water fill my lungs, and then darkness creep in.
The voices sound again, all of them female. Confused as to who’s around me, I open my eyes, and come face to face with most of the women in Finn’s family.
“Hey,” I rasp. My throat feels as though I’ve swallowed glass.
Melissa gets to her feet and smiles widely at me. “Hey, you gave us all a fright. How are you feeling?”
I frown and instantly regret it as pain bursts through my head. “Sore,” I reply, my throat still burning. “Where’s Finn?”
He’s clearly not here, and I’m worried he’s going to do something stupid.
“Don’t worry, he’s making things safe for you,” she tells me.
“He shouldn’t—” I begin, but end up coughing, wincing as my lungs burn.
“Hey, calm down, Destiny,” Callie’s husky voice soothes me. “Finn is with his family. He’s fine, sweetheart.”
“Trust us. What’s going to happen to Patrick and Cian is needed,” Melissa adds, her voice hard. She’s angry at what they’ve done.
“He shouldn’t have to kill them. They’re his brothers,” I’m able to say.
Holly grips my hand and holds it tightly. “This is who they are. You know it’s true—you felt the same about your father—”
“Which was totally freaking awesome.” Melissa grins. “Honestly, we’ve all thought about killing our dads—”
“Speak for yourselves,” Holly retorts.
“My da’s the shit.” Callie beams. “But honestly, Destiny, how are you? You’ve had a hell of a week.”
“I’m okay, just worried about Finn,” I tell them. I know my Psycho Boy is going to be hurt and livid that two of his brothers have caused so much pain to his family.
“He’ll be back soon. He wanted us to stay with you, so you weren’t alone,” Melissa says, and I realize that her body’s tense She’s worried about her husband.
Everyone in this room’s husband has been affected by what Patrick and Cian have done. Callie’s husband especially. Denis is their brother too.
“Maybe,” I say, wishing my voice didn’t sound like a woman who’s smoked twenty a day for the past fifty years. “At least now, there’ll be no more threats against your family.”
Melissa retakes her seat. “I damn well hope so. It’s just been one thing after another. But we’re all grateful you did what you did.”