Page 62 of Vengeful Union

He snorts, yet again not believing my words.

There’s absolutely no mistaking what will happen. Hell, I doubt Finn, or Dante, for that matter, will allow Patrick to survive with the knowledge they have now, yet alone after they learn all of it.

I take a deep breath and try once again to make him realize that this isn’t the way to go. “Nobody matters more to Finn than his baby sister. You hurt her and you're a dead man, whether Finn becomes Boss or not. There will be no place for you in his world, so he will take you out.” My words are simple but effective.

“He wouldn’t kill me,” he hisses, his eyes wide with shock.

I roll my eyes. Delusional it is, then.

“Oh? And why is that?”

“He’s my brother,” he tells me, like that makes a difference.

“Makenna is your sister; that doesn't stop you from wanting to kill her. So, you being Finn’s brother isn’t going to mean shit to him. You should know that by now. I mean, Finn isn’t exactly a man whose bad side you want to be on.” I tilt my head, biting back the whimper of pain, and stare at the man who’s the biggest traitor since Benedict Arnold. “I would have said Finn isn’t like you, but that’s not true. You’re just way worse than he is.”

He scoffs. “My brother’s a monster. He always was, but since our da died, he’s gotten worse.”

I shrug. “Your brother is of the most loyal people I have ever met. He would never betray his family. You don’t get to stand there and judge him. So fucking what if he’s gone a little off the deep end? He’s still not a fucking traitor.”

I should have expected it, but I didn’t. His foot collides with my ribs, and my breath leaves me in a whoosh. “Fuck,” I wheeze as pain erupts inside my chest.

“I know so much about you, Destiny,” he sneers at me, his eyes filled with anger and hatred. “Your father… well, that man sure hated you, didn't he? He was very chatty. So much so that I know everything, including your biggest fear.”

My breathing is shallow. Every breath I take makes the pain in my chest sharper, more powerful. There’s a metallic taste in my mouth, my head is woozy, and my muscles are burning. None of that matters though. Not as I stare at the man in front of me. My fear is paramount. The sound of the lapping water seems louder somehow, but it makes sense why I’m here. I know what he's going to do to me. He wants to kill me, and he's going to do it by making me live out my deepest fear. He's going to drown me. And with the pain I'm in, there's no way I'll be able to fight him off.

“Time to see just how scared you truly are.” He smirks at me while lifting me from the ground.

I cry out in pain. God, everywhere hurts. Every single inch of me. I can’t breathe properly; it feels as though someone is stabbing my chest, like a knife is slicing into me with each breath I take.

He holds me as he steps out of this fucking building. The fresh, salty air hits me, and my eyes water.

I will not beg this bastard for my life. He will never get that satisfaction from me.

I’ll die first.



“Why the fuck are they at the marina?” Romero questions.

I’ve no idea who’s fucking idea it was for us all to ride together. Who the hell has a nine-seater SUV, anyway? I’m currently sitting in the middle of the damn vehicle, Makenna and Denis either side of me. Malcolm, Danny, and Cian are behind us, while Romero and Dante ride up front.

“Pat doesn't have any property by the marina,” Makenna inputs, her voice vibrating with anger. The hurt and betrayal is now gone. She is beyond pissed.

Denis leans forward, elbows on his knees. “There has to be some significance to him bringing Destiny there.”

My lungs burn as the oxygen leaves them. Fuck me.

“Destiny has a fear of water,” I rasp, unable to comprehend the lengths my brother will go to. “She almost drowned before. She’s petrified of water.”

“Shit,” Danny curses. “He’s going too fucking far.”

Dante grunts. “He went too far when he targeted my wife.”

“What I don’t understand is why he’s gone after her. What has she done to him? She’s not part of this,” Makenna says. She hates the unexpected. She has to find the answers to everything. “Patrick is pissed at us; I get that. I honestly do. But it wasn’t our fault that Granda didn’t want him to be an underboss. There’s nothing I can do about it.”

We all know that. Granda made a statement when Makenna was trying to fill the vacant underboss positions in her territories. She had four openings, and she gave two away. One to Romero—even though he's Italian—who got the position because he married into the family. I was also made underboss at that time too. But both Cian and Patrick were overlooked. They wouldn’t have been if they had been onboard with Makenna being Boss from the get-go. Instead, they voiced their opposition to it and have been a soldier ever since.