I explain everything that’s happened, including what Raylee’s doing in regards to going to the police.
He whistles low, “Your woman has put a major target on her back. Fuck, you need to keep her safe.”
My nostrils flare at his command. “You think I don’t already know this shit, Da? She does not leave my side.”
He chuckles, “You and your brother are so fucking alike. Totally gone over your women.”
“I wonder who we get that from, Da? I mean, wasn’t it you that just called Callie, love?”
“Yeah.” I hear the smile in his voice. “I can’t wait for you to meet her, but not yet, I’ve got shit to sort out first.”
I know he’s talking about Ma, he needs to deal with her arse first.
“Right, I’m heading to London today anyway, I’ll talk to Danny and Lissa, get her to dig into all this shit, figure out why no one knew that Raylee was taken and how it was kept quiet.”
That tightness that has been sitting on my chest, since I found out that Raylee’s working with the cops, eases slightly.
“I know that your brother will be anxious to get to you, I’ll hold him off. Having him help will put him off for a bit.”
There’s a warning there, I know that I should expect them all to descend soon.
“Thanks, Da, I’ll expect a call tonight, but warn Danny boy to keep his mouth shut. The last thing I need is Holly or Makenna finding out and losing their minds.”
Both for very different reasons. Holly, well my little sister, isn’t like the rest of us, she’s sweet and untouched by this life. Then there’s my auntie, Makenna, who is a different breed of woman altogether. She was touched by violence from her ma, and in being hurt, Makenna changed and became a fucking badarse. She’s the head of the Irish Mafia in America and she’s kicking arse and taking names. My aunt is a force to be reckoned with. She finds out what’s going down, she’ll be on the first flight out here and she’ll go on a rampage, killing anyone who gets in her way.
“I’ll make sure it’s known. You know, you need me, I’m there.”
My chest tightens at his words. He’s still the man that raised me, he’s still giving me everything he’s always given me.
“I know,” I say, my voice hoarse with emotion. The depth of love and loyalty I have for him is unwavering, just as his is for me.
“Right, now I’m going back to my woman before I have to leave her again, I’ll talk to you later.”
I don’t even bother fighting the smile, I’m just fucking pleased for him. It’s about time that he’s found a piece of happiness.
“Right,” I murmur, my voice filled with humour. “I’ll talk to you later.”
“Love you, son, later.” He ends the call and I toss my phone back onto the table and look out at the view, the ocean in the distance.
Sitting here, knowing that Raylee’s still tucked up in bed, is peaceful as fuck. There’s nowhere else I want to be. Once all this fucking shit is sorted, I want to buy a villa, close to the beach, and move Raylee in with me.
My cell rings and I glance at the screen, a number flashing—one that I don’t know. “Yeah?” I answer tersely.
“Mr. Gallagher…” the man on the other end begins, his American accent thick and deep. “I am Joe Ranieri. I take it that you know why I’m calling?”
“Yeah,” I return. Not in the least bit amused that he’s fucking calling me at almost nine thirty in the fucking morning.
“Right, so I’ll get straight into it, you, Mr. Gallagher, are one lucky man. Raylee Silver is a unique young woman that has been in my daughter’s life for a long fucking time. They’re practically sisters. Which makes her family. My family. I will not let any harm come to her. Who do you think informed Mayer where Raylee was when I had the information?”
Finally, fucking finally, things start to become clear. “You’ve been watching over them all.” It’s a statement. I should have realised.
“Yes,” he says. “When Raylee was taken, I unfortunately was out of commission for four days and didn’t know until I returned. I did what I had to in order to find out everything. It was hard, but finally, someone slipped up. What I’m about to tell you, Mr. Gallagher, is not known by Raylee and I’m not sure if she should know.”
I blink, what the fuck? “Tell me.”
“Antonella Silver, was born and raised in Gran Canaria, she lived there with her mother, father, and older sister. They were happy, poor, but happy. That was until Antonella disappeared when she was fourteen. Her family fell apart as the years went by without her return.”
I don’t say a word, my attention raptly on the man talking to me.