I sigh. "I just didn't want to fly, okay?" I'm lying. The reason I didn't go was because I need to ensure that Bentley's okay. I hate the thought of leaving and him struggling again.
"You're an awful liar, Ray-Ray," he tells me and I simply stare at him. "I'm fine, you don't need to worry, I'm doing okay."
"He hasn't had a nightmare in about six weeks," Kiro tells me and relief washes through me. "He's fine and he'd be better if we all stopped hovering and expecting him to break down."
I sigh, that's exactly what I've been doing. "I'm sorry," I tell him. "I don't want you to break, I was scared okay. I can't lose you."
He gets to his feet and pulls me into his arms. "You won't. What happened was bad." His eyes darken with rage.
I know whatever happened to him while he was taken was more than I could ever imagine. It's affected who he is. He's more twisted now but I still love him, I always will. He's my brother.
"But I'm fine and I'm not going to break. I'm stronger than that," he tells me.
I hold him tight and squeeze. "Good," I say with a smile and release him. I take a step back and look at all my brothers. God, I love them so much. They're the best. "Now that I know you're all okay, I'm going home and falling into bed."
My brothers all chuckle, they know what I'm like with my sleep these days. I'm always taking naps. Kiro found me asleep at the table the other day.
"Go, we'll talk to you tomorrow," Jake says as he gets to his feet and kisses my cheek.
I say goodbye to them and make my way home. Malcolm's scent engulfs me as soon as I walk in. God, I miss him. The sooner he comes home the better.
Iarrived in Dublin three days ago. We celebrated my sister Holly’s birthday and now we’re at Jerry’s house, celebrating his fiftieth. He wanted his family around him and he even invited all of mine. Da, Danny, Holly, Melissa, and Romero came along with me.
Raylee’s back in Spain. She’s recovered, but she’s still worried about her brother.
“Fuck,” I hear Danny curse. I don’t even need to look to see what has gained his attention. The strong perfume and the clicking of the heels was more than enough to give it away. “Ma, what the hell are you doing here?”
She sniffs as though she’s affronted. “Can I not wish my son’s father a happy birthday?”
“Take your arse down the table,” I tell her. Pissed that she’d even pull this stunt. God, the woman just doesn’t know when to quit.
Da sighs, knowing she’s going to have to sit beside him. It’s not my problem. Da should have dealt with her a long time ago. But of course she had a plan in place. She learnt to have an escape route. Her time is coming to an end and I have a feeling it’ll be a lot sooner than she’s prepared for.
“Behave yourself, Zoe, do not fucking piss me off this evening,” Da warns her.
The lights dim and Jerry stands up on the makeshift stage. I’m still finding it hard to come to grips with the fact that he’s my biological father. He wants to get to know me, I’d probably be in the same position if the tables were turned. But I have a da, one that is the fucking best there is. Thankfully, Jerry understands that and isn’t pushing for anything other than getting to know me. Which I’m fine with.
He calls out his niece and nephews name and it’s only when he calls out his eldest niece's name that something clicks inside. Fuck. Jer’s niece is Da’s woman. Callie.
“Fuck,” Da whispers. His gaze firmly on the woman he loves.
I finally take a look at her, my cousin. My gut clenches when I see the bruises that mar her face. Damn. Someone worked her over.
The smile on Callie’s face drops when my ma opens her fucking mouth. “Oh, would you look,” Ma says loudly. “Your whore’s here, Denis.”
Callie’s eyes narrow in on my ma, she says something to her brother, Maverick and whatever she says has him tensing, not to mention Jer’s men that are standing close by.
“Well,” Jer says as he steps off the stage, his gaze on his niece. Worry and anger whirling in his expression. “I guess I was wrong about the bloodshed this evening.”
“Callie, baby,” Nicola says as she goes to her daughter. “What’s wrong?”
“Callie-girl,” Jerry says as Da gets to his feet, “go on to my office, I’ll be along shortly.” Callie gives ma one last glare before she turns and storms out of the room.
“It’s time to leave,” Da announces, “Mal, you can stay, Danny, take your ma home.” Danny doesn’t hesitate, and he gets up and reaches for our ma. “Holly, it’s time for you to leave too.” Da doesn’t wait around, he follows behind Callie.