Page 63 of Hateful Union

“Since her phone call, we have been working hard to try to uncover everything that has transpired. The evidence that Ms. Silver had given to the liaison, Officer Ramirez, is in our possession and a warrant has been issued for both Harry Silver and Ashton Banks.”

What? Dad’s going to be arrested?

“Mr. Silver’s business is currently being dismantled as we speak. Our agents are raiding all known locations that belong to any member of the Silver family. That includes the locations that Ms. Silver gave us as part of the evidence. Within the next few hours, we’ll have the major players within the Silver organization behind bars.”

“What does this mean for Raylee?” Denis barks. “She’s given you evidence, does that mean she’s going to have to testify?”

The two agents share a look with Mum and I brace for whatever the hell is about to come.

“During our phone call with your mother today, your mum made it clear that if we wanted her full cooperation that we’d tell everyone that the evidence came from Antonella. Ms. Silver’s name will not be brought into this investigation.”

Some of the tension leaves Mal’s body at the agent's words.

“So what do you need?” Denis queries.

“You have means that we don’t. Antonella has worked hard and put herself in danger to help us and we promised her that we’d protect her family. We failed and now her son has been taken. We need your help in locating him.”

I suck in a sharp breath at the reminder, God, Bentley.

“We’ll find him,” Malcolm assures them. “You can show yourselves out.”

“Mum, you should go with them,” I say, my voice stronger than I thought, but I’m glad that it is. What’s happened today is a hell of a lot to take in and I can’t deal with Mum on top of that.

Denis and Christian walk the agents and Mum out of the Villa. Gabby goes to her room, no doubt informing her dad of what’s just transpired. Mal turns and pulls me into his arms. “We’re going to find him,” he promises me. “It’s almost over, mo stór. Just hold on a little longer.”

I look into the eyes of the man I love and see the conviction in them. I believe him, he’ll find Bentley, but I can’t help but wonder if he’ll be alive when he does.



Six weeks later

Waking up to the sound of retching, I quickly jump out of bed and move towards the bathroom, since finding out about Raylee’s pregnancy, her morning sickness has gotten worse. As soon as her eyes open in the morning, she’s rushing towards the bathroom and vomiting whatever she has in her stomach.

So much has changed in the past six weeks, we had our scan three days ago, Raylee’s now twelve weeks pregnant and it’s surreal now. Seeing our baby on the ultrasound was something indescribable. I’m going to be a father. Fuck, I couldn’t imagine that this would be how Raylee and I would end up when I first fucked her, but damn if it isn’t the best thing ever.

Raylee’s now holed up in my apartment. Gabby’s gone to stay with her father in Denver until all this mess is sorted out. We all agreed it would be the best course of action. I can’t have my men split between watching Raylee and watching Gabby. My inner circle knows that Raylee’s pregnant, I haven’t told the rest of my family yet. We wanted to wait until the twelve week mark, especially with all this shit going down and we’re planning on travelling to London so she can meet Danny and Melissa and then telling them there.

I know that she’s still stressed, since she found out that Bentley’s missing she’s not slept great. Every time I wake up, I find her tossing and turning, barely asleep. She’s worried about her brothers, all of whom have been arrested and charged with their involvement with the Silver organization; although nothing as heinous as what her father would be charged with. Her father and Ashton are on the run, word on the street is that they’ve moved down into Portugal. I have men searching for them and they’re under strict instructions that they’re to bring them to me when they’re found.

Bentley is still missing, not only are we on the search along with the cops, I’ve recruited my sister-in-law too. She’s great at finding people, but so far she’s come up empty. When Gabby went to Denver she filled her father in on what had transpired, since Gabby is part of Raylee’s family and she loves Bentley as a brother, Joe Raneri has allocated his men to help find him.

When I walk into the bathroom, I see that she’s still hanging over the toilet, her brown hair tied into a messy knot at the top of her head, her skin pale and clammy. I fucking hate this shit, I thought when the woman got to twelve weeks this would stop. However, it hasn’t. The doctor said that as she’s able to keep fluids and some food down that she’s okay and it’s not a major concern. I call bullshit, it’s a fucking major concern to me.

“Mo stór,” I whisper as I get a wet washcloth and place it at her nape. “Are you feeling better?”

She nods, “Yeah, I think it’s easing.”

I raise a brow at her bullshit. It’s not fucking easing. “Do you think you’ll be able to eat anything?”

She wrinkles her nose, “I’ll have a cup of tea.”

I kiss her head, “Alright, baby.” I leave her be and go to the kitchen, knowing damn well that as soon as she takes a sip she’ll be back to where she is now. So she has her first sip while sitting on the bathroom floor and then she’ll get up and feel slightly better.

Twenty minutes later, I’m cooking pancakes while she’s in the shower, my phone rings and I see that it’s Da calling. “Da,” I say as I place my phone between my ear and shoulder. “Everything okay?”

“No, two nights ago there was an incident, Holly was shot,” he begins and red-hot anger courses through me. My fucking sister. I take the pan off the heat and turn it off and I’m just about to voice how furious I am when Da continues. “She’s okay, it was just a graze. Danny and I are already here,” he says his voice laced with anger.