Page 62 of Hateful Union

“So, Dad sent you here to, what? Kill me? Take me to him?” She doesn’t answer me and I’m slowly starting to lose it. “What, Mum? What the fuck did you come here for?”

She sobs and I can’t deal with it. “Get out,” I tell her and her eyes widen and her lips part. “Get the fuck out and don’t come back.”

“Ray…” she whispers, pain etched on her face.

“I don’t want to hear it, Mum. You’ve known what Dad’s been like for years. You could have done a hell of a lot more than what you’ve done. You’re only here to save yourself and don’t lie. For once in your life, be honest.”

She shakes her head. “What I’ve done, it’s always to protect my children.”

I step out of Malcolm’s embrace and throw my hand out. “You think this is to protect us? Christ, Mum, we could have fucking died.”

A phone rings and I glance around trying to figure out who it belongs to. Mum moves quickly and answers it. “Hello? Yes… Of course... I’m not sure that’s a good idea…” she says cryptically and I stare at her wondering who the hell she’s talking to. “Where the hell were you? Hmm, those arsehole’s opened fire and where the fuck were you?”

She’s quiet for a moment or two listening to whoever’s on the line. She turns to me, “There’s a couple of Interpol agents that are here and want to talk to you.”

“Fuck me,” Malcolm’s dad curses.

“Send them in,” Mal growls, his body tight and I step back to him, needing to be close to him. As soon as I’m at his side, his arms close around me and he presses a kiss against the side of my head.

Mum relays the message to those on the phone and then turns back to us. “Please hear them out, you’ll realise that what I’ve said is the truth.”

“I don’t doubt that, Mum, but what you did was inexcusable. You brought men here, to a place that was secure. We could have been killed and you think that’s okay? It’s not. Wait until Gabby’s dad finds out, he’s going to flip his lid.”

Her bottom lip trembles as the tears fall thicker and faster. “Please, baby,” she whispers. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know what else to do.”

I shake my head and turn away from her, I can’t believe what she’s done, but at the same time I understand. But she should have told us. I glance at Gabby and her eyes are firmly on my mum, the anger pouring off of her. I continue to sweep the room and see that Christian is gone, probably to bring the agents in.

As soon as my gaze collides with Malcolm’s dad, he gives me a soft, warm smile. I move towards him. “Hey, I’m Raylee,” I tell him as I get closer. “It’s really nice to meet you, sorry about the circumstances.”

His smile widens, the corners of his warm green eyes crinkle. “I’m Denis and it’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” he returns, his Irish accent thicker and heavier than Malcolm’s. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

I glance back at Malcolm with a raised brow. “I dread to think what he’s said,” I say through a smile. I can imagine just what he could have told him. Mal and I need to come up with something to tell our children about how we met, the last thing I want them to know is just how things started between us.

Malcolm comes to stand beside me, and as always whenever he’s in touching distance of me, his arm slides around my waist and he pulls me into his body.

“All good things, my son realised what a feckin’ idiot he was and set to make things right. I couldn’t be more proud.”

God, now I know where Malcolm gets his smooth talking from. Looking between father and son, I don’t see any resemblance in their appearances. Malcolm has beautiful, green eyes, dark hair, and his skin sun-kissed from the Spanish sun. Whereas Denis has dirty-blonde hair that’s peppered with grays, his bright blue eyes are warm and he’s got pale, creamy skin. But their mannerisms are the same. The way they hold themselves and the way they act.

I hear footsteps leading to the front door and Mal’s arm tightens around my waist. “Mo stór,” he says so that only me and his father can hear him. “You do not leave my side.” The demand in his voice grates against my skin, but the tenseness in both his and Denis’ bodies has me nodding in agreement.

“We’re going to sort this shit out, Raylee,” Denis assures me.

“Ray,” I tell him. “Everyone other than your son calls me Ray or Ray-Ray.”

He grins at me. “Okay, Ray-Ray, when these arseholes come in, I need you to let Mal take the lead, don’t give them any information. We’re not sure what the hell this situation is and I fucking hate the unknown.”

“I’ll be as quiet as a mouse,” I quip, hoping to ease the tension.

Denis’ lips twitch and Mal shakes his head, but as soon as the door opens they take a step in front of me, shielding me. Christian leads two men into our villa, and he then walks to Gabby and stands in front of her.

“Mr. Gallagher, I apologize for our delay, we had hoped to be here before the Silver men arrived. Unfortunately, we were delayed. I’m glad to see everyone is uninjured,” the man wearing a grey tailored suit says as he and his friend go to flank Mum.

“Apologize?” Mal growls. “I do not want your fucking apology. I want to know what the hell you’re doing here.”

This time it’s the heavier of the two that speaks, his hair receding, and he’s missing a couple of teeth. “I’m not sure how much Antonella has told you, but she has been invaluable to us in the past few years. She called us frantic this morning, she found out that her daughter was in danger and needed our help.”

I stand stock still as I listen to the man talk.