They’ll get what’s coming to them and I’m glad that I’ll be the one to dish out the revenge.
“Daddy,” she gasps as she falls into him, never once letting go of Mayer.
“Come on, baby, it’s time to go.”
She shakes her head, “I can’t leave him.”
“We’re not leaving him, baby, but Ashton needs to be with him now.”
“Boss,” Christian says softly, “what the fuck is going on?”
I have no idea. This doesn’t add up. From everything that we’ve gathered. All the information we’ve had and that which we’ve been told.
“I’ve got him, Ray,” Ashton Banks tells her as he places a hand on her back. “You can let him go, he’ll not be alone.”
Raylee nods and then she’s lifted into the air, her father carrying her to the car.
He has his men take the girls away, the car speeding away as soon as the door is closed.
“What the fuck happened? Neither Ray or Gabby are in any fit state to talk,” Kiro snarls. “How the fuck does this happen?”
The men glance at each other. They are aware there’s more at play here than what they know. They’ve also concluded if anyone could kill Mayer this brutally, they would have done something to the girls as well.
Raylee is mine. I am the only one that gets to harm her.
“I want the bastards that did this,” Ashton grounds out.
“Time for us to leave,” I announce and Christian nods.
I need more information on this family. On Raylee. Shit doesn’t add up and I fucking hate having gaping holes. It means my plan can’t be executed.
I risefrom the table when there’s a knock at my door, it’s almost eight in the morning. My apartment is secure, no one can get in without my say so, unless it’s family or my men.
Opening my door, I’m not surprised to find Christian standing there. A file in his hand and finally, we’ve got some information.
“Boss,” he says nodding at me before entering the apartment. “Last night was…” he shakes his head.
Last night was a clusterfuck on so many levels.
“I know you’re adamant that Raylee is in deep with the Silver organization. That she has to know what’s happening. But you have to realise that not all families are like yours. She may not know.”
This isn't the first time he’s said this, but it still doesn’t matter, I call bullshit. How can you not fucking know? “Until there’s proof, I’m going with what I have been told.”
He keeps his gaze firmly on me. “Have you thought that maybe, Sienna lied?”
Hearing her name is like a sucker punch to the gut. “Why would she have, what use would it have done?”
“I know that you cared for her, but she was a spy, Mal, she was theirs. She could have played both sides.”
I grind my jaw, “We’re not fucking talking about this.”
He holds his hands up in surrender, “You want revenge for them killing her. I get it, I really do, but, boss, that woman last night, she was fucking hurting. You and I witnessed her breaking. That’s not someone who’s a monster. We both know that.”
I do fucking know that. It’s why I need the information.
“Something doesn’t add up,” I tell him, my jaw hurting from clamping it so tight.
He throws the file onto the counter, “Read it, I’m telling you, Mal, as your friend and your right-hand man. You’ve got Raylee all wrong. Sienna,” he shakes his head. “What happened to her was awful, but she wasn’t the one for you.”