Page 21 of Unexpected Union

“Where italways does,” he said gazing at the lake. He pulled the door shut,and headed down the steps. Maybe he could spot her on thebeach.

As hepassed the neighboringcabin, the older woman he’d seen yesterday called a greeting. Shewas sitting on a rocking chair, with what looked like knitting inher lap.

“Hello,finally finished your work?” she called.

He nodded,wondering how she’d known.

“Haveyou seen Audra?” heasked.

“Shetook off for a walkaround the lake. You can’t catch up, she left a couple of hoursago.”

He frowned, anunexpected feeling of disappointment sweeping through.

Untilthat second he hadn’t realized how much he’d been looking forwardtospending time withher. He’d told her last night he’d go with her, so why had she leftwithout him?

“Youmight try the lodge and see if she’s there yet. She said if she gottired, she’d stop when she reached the lodge. I hope she’s notdoing too much in hercondition.”

“Exerciseis goodfor her and I doubt she’d overdo it,” he said.

Not that Audraneeded defending. His response came automatically, surprising him.Except for Thomas when they were younger, Mitch never felt the needto defend anyone.

Uponreaching the resort ashort time later, Mitch parked Audra’s car and bypassed the lodgeand headed directly for the lake. There was a wide sandy beach,complete with life-guard. Children played in the water, parentsswimming with them or watching from the shore.

Hepaused and surveyed thescene, feeling totally out of place. He looked for Audra. Couplesand families were everywhere. The resort was perfect for that kindof thing but not so perfect for single people, he thought, feelinglike an outsider.

Evenones who came torecuperate and discovered their estranged wives.

Hedidn’t see her. Spotting a couple of empty lounge chairs, he strodeover and sat down. The sun felt good as he leaned back. Had shealready passed by? How long would it take her to walkaround half thelake?

He’d wait alittle while before giving up. The urge to find her, to join herfor at least some of the day, was surprisingly strong.

He’d meantwhat he’d said yesterday.

He’dpromised Thomas he would try to relax, to find somethingelseto entertain himbesides work. Could Audra help—at least while he washere?

Mitchwas about to give up when he saw her. She was watching the childrenplay as she walked slowly along the water’s edge. He rose tointercept her.


“Ithought wewere going to walk together,” he said a minute later.

Audra stoppedand looked up in surprise.

“Mitch. Ididn’t expect to see you.”

Exaggerating,she peered around him. “Where’s your phone and laptop?”

“Allright, I got caught up in the conversation. But you could have waited.”

She shrugged.“I did. For twenty minutes. Then I gave up.” She looked around. “Isthere someplace to sit? I’m tired.”

“I’m notsurprised—trying to walk around the lake. It’s huge. You shouldknow better—especially in your condition.”

“Imanaged this far.”

“Yes and youlook wiped out. You need to take better care of yourself.”

He took herarm and led her back to the chairs he’d just vacated. “You’re doingtoo much.”