Page 30 of Bloody Union

“Yeah, no more having to save me. You were right. When it started to happen I should have told Ace. If I had, it wouldn’t have gone on for as long as it has,” Kinsley replies and it’s even more secrets that I need to uncover. “Maybe you should tell your dad about what happened.”

Makenna laughs, “Yeah, that’s not going to happen. Could you imagine how Da will react when he finds out that not only is his wife a whore but she also tried to kill his only daughter?”

So Kinsley knew what happened and she kept that a secret? What the fuck? Who does that shit?

Kinsley gasps, “Kenna, babe, you’re not alone.”

Kenna sighs, “Yeah, I told Dante this morning and his brothers overheard. Nosey bastards.”

Kinsley laughs, “I’m surprised that Dante let you up for air. He looked like he wanted to eat you alive yesterday.”

Romero chuckles and Makenna grins. “There’s always later.” She winks at me, “I’ve got to go, I’m almost at Killian’s. You coming?”

Kinsley groans, “No, Stag doesn’t want me to leave the clubhouse, he’s worried that killing that asshole could start a fucking war. So far though, the other brothers are on board. It’s the other chapters they’ve got to convince.”

Makenna shakes her head. “Fuckers. Let me know if you need any help.”

“Yeah, I said it to Ace last night. He wanted to kill you.” She laughs, “I told him he could try but he does want to talk to you. Oh by the way, he knows about you.”

Makenna frowns, “Knows what about me?” Because there’s so many fucking secrets.

“He knows what you are. Kenna, I didn’t tell him. I swear, he figured it out last night while we were talking.”

“Kins, I have no idea what you’re talking about. He knows what?”

“About your job.” Kinsley tells her, “Shit, I’ve got to go.”

Fuck, just how many people know that she’s the Boss? And how the hell did we not?

Kenna giggles, “Tell Stag I said hello.”

I can hear the hushed voices, “Tell me yourself when you get your ass to the club. Just ‘cause you’re married don’t mean we don’t miss you,” the deep baritone voice says. This must be Stag.

Makenna’s laugh is louder, “Okay, I’ll swing by tomorrow. Oh and Stag, hurt her and I’ll kill you.”

He doesn’t laugh like I assumed he would. “Not gonna happen, Kenna. I know what you’ve done for her and I’m grateful. I owe you, girl, more than I’ll ever be able to repay. You need me, I’m there. But you don’t have to worry about Kins, I’ve got her now.”

The softness in Makenna’s eyes tells me that she believes him. “Okay, Stag, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Alright, girl. See you then.”

The call ends and Makenna grins. “You ready for this?” she asks me. I nod in response. Her uncle is a fucking terrorist but what the fuck? I married the head of the Irish Mafia.

She turns into what can only be described as a fucking castle. It spans the entire width of land that it sits on. At least a hundred windows face us as she drives up the long drive toward it. The Irish flag displayed proudly on the rooftop blowing in the wind. Makenna parks the car and slides out, a fucking beautiful smile on her face as she turns to face us.

“Gentleman, welcome to the New York headquarters of the RA.” Her Irish accent is thick as she pronounces the word RA, which I know some Irish use as short for the IRA.

“The what?” Romero asks and Makenna laughs as he walks up the steps.

“Well if it isn’t my favourite bloodthirsty niece.” A man who looks identical albeit slightly younger than Seamus grins and pulls her into his arms.

She glares at him. “Don’t let Jade hear you say that.” He just grins at me, “you tells us all we’re your favourite, don’t you?”

He just laughs, but it answers her question. He does. “Come on in, everyone’s waiting to see the Italian.”

“Killian, don’t piss me off,” she tells him, her voice stern as she continues to glare at him.

“Fine,” he grunts as though he’s been reprimanded. “Come in.” He invites us and walks away.