She raises her brow and shakes her head. “When Romero put a bullet into arsehole number one,” she points to the dead body on the floor beside her, “I picked his gun up and used it on arsehole number two and three. Now, I’ve answered your question and as you can see I’m not going to have a meltdown because I killed someone; wasn’t the first time and certainly won’t be the last. How about we cut the chit chat and get to the car before your brother bleeds to death?”
I bite back my chuckle, whereas Romero and Alessio don’t. Fuck, I should hate that she’s not the quiet, shy woman I had expected but I’m not, I’m glad. I don’t want a docile wife, I want someone who’s full of life and looking at Kenna that’s what I’ve got. “Let’s go.”
“Atta boy.” Kenna laughs and I shake my head, fuck, how can I want to laugh during a moment like this? “The black Rolls, that’s where we’re heading. Try not to get shot,” she tells me.
“Don’t worry, princess, I’ll be fine.”
She smirks at me, “Good, you have your husband duties to take care of tonight.”
Jesus! My cock twitches at the thought of being inside of her. “Oh, princess, nothing, and I mean nothing will stop me from fucking you tonight.”
Her pupils dilate, then she shakes her head and runs out the back door, firing her gun as she does.
“I’m going to kill her,” I grunt as I follow behind her.
She’s standing in the middle of the parking lot shooting at the bastards. I snap out of my shock and start shooting too. There’s only a couple more of the fuckers left, and within seconds there’s more gunfire, the Irish are coming out of the front and taking them down. “Kenna, into the car now,” I shout at her and thankfully she has more sense than to argue with me. She runs to the car, fucking runs in her six inch heels like she’s been doing it every day of her life, and opens the doors. She pulls the back door open and jumps into the driver’s side.
Romero’s right behind me, pulling Alessio along with him. I reach for Alessio and Romero runs around the other side of the car. Looking down at my youngest brother, I see the pale skin and the sheen of sweat on his head, he’s not doing good. FUCK! Romero gets in and helps me put Alessio onto the back seat. Within seconds I’m around the car and sliding into the passenger’s side. Makenna doesn’t wait for me to put my seatbelt on, she puts the car into drive and pulls out of the parking lot.
When we put some distance between us and the church, my pulse starts to slow down, though the anger I have is still palpable. The fuckers shot my brother and wife. I’m going to kill every single one of them as soon as we get them safe.
“Phone, please?” Kenna asks not looking at me and I frown but hand it to her. “Thanks,” she whispers and gives me a small smile as she punches in some numbers.
Ringing filters through the silent car and I realize she must have put it onto speaker. “Hello?” A man answers.
“Doc, it’s Makenna.”
“Ah, my dear, congratulations are in order so I hear.”
“Thanks, Doc. We ran into a bit of trouble,” she tells him; not once has she taken her eyes off the road.
“Say no more. Same place?” he asks and my body tightens.
“Yep, I’ll be there before you.” Her face is blank, not a single emotion is running through her head.
“Okay, dear, I’ll be there shortly.”
She ends the call and I’m surprised to see her once again punching in numbers; the car’s filled with the sound of ringing. “Hello?” This time it’s a woman that answers.
“Angela, I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. Get the guest rooms set up, the doc’s on his way. I’m going to need the usual shit.”
“Of course, Ms Gallagher.”
“Bianchi,” she replies instantly and I smile. Damn, she surprises me at every turn.
“Of course, I’m sorry. I’ll get right on it, Mrs Bianchi. And congratulations, darling.” She once again ends the call and this time she passes me my cell.
“Where are we going?” Romero asks.
“My place. This is off the grid, nobody, other than Angela and the doc knows where it is. Kinsley has been inside but she doesn’t know where it is. Keep the pressure on his wound,” she instructs him.
“Why?” I ask, why would she need a house off the grid?
“Why, what?” She says with a frown.
“Why does nobody know where it is?”
She shrugs, “Because I didn’t want them to know. I prefer having somewhere I know is clean and that if I need to I can go.”