He takes a step back, a slow smile sneaking across his lips. “Okay then.” He turns and walks out of the room, leaving me wondering what the fuck is wrong with the man?
It doesn’t take me long to catch up to him and we walk into the dining room where everyone is sitting waiting for us. Makenna’s sitting beside Finn, an empty seat beside her and another empty seat at the top of the table. I walk over and sit beside Makenna, she’s glaring at her mom who’s looking down at her hands. My father has his sadistic grin on his face, loving the way things are tense.
Mrs Gallagher clicks her fingers and the maids come in carrying the food.
“That’s a nasty scar you have.” My father grins as he leers at Makenna.
I watch as she grips her knife, her eyes full of hate, she looks as though she’s dying to kill the bastard. Her mother gasps and covers her mouth with a shaky hand. I turn my gaze to my brother’s, they both have no expression on their faces, almost as if they haven’t noticed but I know they have. There will be questions later and I’ll get my fucking answers.
“Is Killian coming to the wedding?” Finn asks and I notice that Makenna sits up taller, the hand that was gripped around the knife loosens, she’s relaxed. Her mother on the other hand looks as though she’s about to faint.
Seamus grins, “He should be arriving in the next couple of days.”
“Killian?” I ask knowing damn well who they’re talking about, I turn to Makenna in time to see that she’s giving me a warm smile.
“He’s my brother,” Seamus says but the way the Gallagher brothers are glancing at one another, there’s a hell of a lot more than him being Seamus’ brother. I need Orion to look into this shit, one fucking thing I hate is being in a situation where I’m going in blind.
Makenna’s attention is on her cell phone. I glance down and see the message from someone called Kinsley. From all the intel I gathered, Kinsley is her best friend and has been since she was a child.
Kinsley:Party tonight?
I gritmy teeth remembering what happened the last time she went out. I see her reply saying that she can’t, but will ring her later. Kinsley Anderson is the only daughter of Julian ‘Jaws’ Montry, the president of the Fury Vipers Motorcycle club. They’re fucking animals who party hard and kill harder. They’re ruthless, and have no loyalty to anyone but the Fury Vipers brothers. They’ll do whatever the hell they want and don’t care about the consequences. Much like the la Famiglia, they’re feared by most. Whereas, we keep a low profile and have businesses as fronts and are fucking gentleman in the presence of the public. Those animals couldn’t give a fuck. I know that when Makenna and I are married, I’ll be putting a stop to her going to that damn club house.
The dinner is quiet, Mrs Gallagher keeps glancing at Makenna as though she’s waiting for her to lose her damn mind. Something about this family doesn’t sit right. The hatred that my brothers and I have for my father isn’t publicized, we don’t want the fucking world knowing that when my father goes down, it could be, and probably will be at our hands. The Famiglia won’t allow me to become Capo dei Capi if I’ve killed the previous one. Hell, it’s against our oath to kill anothermade man, but fuck, I’ve broken that oath before and I’d happily do it again if the fucker needs to be put down. Traitors are different, as soon as they become rats, theirmade menstatus dies, and they’ll soon follow after we torture the fuck out of them to extract as much information as we can. Whereas, Makenna’s open hatred for her mom is something I can’t understand. I’ve witnessed the way she is with her father. They have a great relationship, she has a lot of love for him along with her brothers; her eyes soften whenever they talk to her. But it’s very different when her mom talks to her, the features on her face harden and she glares at her.
“Mrs Gallagher,” my Father says once the dinner is finished, and I watch as she bows her head, “thank you for a wonderful dinner.”
The woman gets to her feet, “It was a pleasure to have you.” She practically curtsies as she walks backward to exit the room.
“Seamus, I ensure that everything will be ready for the wedding in three days.” The harshness to my father’s tone has the Gallagher men’s hands twitching for their guns.
“Matteo,” Seamus glares at him. “What do you take me for?”
“And her…” my father continues, not knowing when to shut his fucking mouth. “She’s pure?”
Makenna smirks, not what I’d expect from her. Most woman in our life are untouched, when men talk about sex, they blush and bow their heads with embarrassment. Not Makenna, she smirks and her eyes twinkle. “I’m Catholic,” is her response, her accent is thick and full of sarcasm.
“That means nothing,” my father says in outrage.
Makenna shrugs, the hatred she has for him is making her be disrespectful. She needs to be careful. I reach over and grip her arm, her gaze snaps to me, eyes narrowed, but she raises a perfectly sculpted eyebrow.
“Watch your mouth,” I say through clenched teeth. “Respect.”
She glares at me for a moment before smiling and I know that whatever is going to come out of her mouth isn’t going to be good. “I’m sorry,” she snarls. “Don’t worry, Dante here will be the only one to defile me.” My grip on her arm tightens, does she really believe that I’d do that to her?
My father nods, pleased with her answer. “And I see that she’s drinking.” His tone is reproachful.
Makenna reaches for the glass of wine that’s in front of her and downs it in one swallow. Romero’s eyes flash with humor, but his face is void of emotion. Alessio on the other hand, is unable to stop his lips twitching with amusement.
“I’m Irish,” Makenna drawls with a smile and her brothers laugh.
“We can handle our drink, Matteo.” Seamus grins. “Have no fear, Makenna can and will drink you and your Italian boys under the table anytime she likes.”
Why do I think there’s a double meaning to this?
Father gets to his feet and my brothers and I do the same. “Seamus,” he says as a way of saying goodbye.
I lean down so that my mouth is level with Makenna’s ear. “Soon, Makenna,” I whisper and enjoy the tiny shudder she has. “Three days and then you’re mine.”