“It was an accident,” he lamely replies.
I scoff, “Oh, let me guess, she tripped and her vagina just happened to land on top of your dick? You being the upstanding gentleman that you are, moved to help her, only to thrust into her?”
Killian throws his head back and laughs, I turn my glare onto him. What the hell is wrong with Danny?
“Did you know about this?” I ask Killian.
His laughter dies instantly. “Fuck no. If I did, I wouldn’t have told him to come here. I’d have told him to go to Australia.”Of course he would.
“Makenna,” Danny says softly and I turn my attention back to him. “That’s not even the worst part of it.”
I sigh as I close my eyes. “She’s pregnant.” It's a statement, but he nods anyway. “Are you sure it’s yours?” Again he nods, “Then you’re going to have to marry her.”
“Not fucking happening,” he says through clenched teeth. “We’re in the fucking twenty-first century, Makenna. I’m not marrying that psycho bitch.”
I take a step forward and he stands his ground. “You should have thought about that before you let your fucking dick call the shots. What the hell were you thinking?”
“He wasn’t, that’s the problem,” Killian inputs and Danny glares at him.
“Danny, does Zack know yet?” I ask, wondering how much time we have before shit hits the fan. Zack is a fucking psychopath, he’s going to go postal when he finds out what’s happened.
I hear the sharp intake of breath and turn to Romero, “Dude, you fuckedandimpregnated Zack Harding’s sister?” He lets out a low whistle. “Damn, he’s going to kill you.”
“Why haven’t you told your da yet? Does Granda know?” I ask, ignoring Romero’s commentary.
“No, as soon as I found out I came here. Well I was already coming here…”
“You mean you legged it. Fucking hell,” I mutter. He’s up shit creek without a paddle right now. “You’re going to have to marry her. It’s the only way you’re going to stay alive.”
“Well, I was hoping that you’d…”
I cut him off with a shake of my head. “Oh no, you messed up, Danny boy, I am not going to war over your dick!”
“Shit,” he curses as he runs his hands through his hair again. “What do I do?”
“Stupid and deaf,” I comment, causing him to narrow his eyes at me. “Don’t look at me like I’m the bad guy, I’m not. I’d do anything for you, you know that. But I can’t do this. You could have had any other woman, why her?”
I see the spark in his eyes and I shake my head. “Don’t, I don’t want to hear you say it was for the challenge.”
“Makenna’s right, not only that, she’s actually being smart. She’s giving you the chance to go home and put that shit into motion before your da or granda finds out. It’ll show them that while you fucked up, you also have your head on right to rectify those mistakes.”
“Fuck!” Danny roars, “I can’t do it, Makenna, she’s a fucking psycho, I hate that bitch.”
I shrug, “If you hate her you shouldn’t have stuck your dick in her. Sorry, but there’s no other choice. You either do it of your own free will or, Granda and Denis will get involved and, Danny, they’ll not be so nice about it.”
Romero chuckles, “Nice? This is what you call nice?”
I glare at him, “I didn’t strangle him, did I?”
Now Danny chuckles, “Oh but you wanted to. Don’t think I didn’t notice your fingers itching to get a hold of me.”
“Your fingers twitched this morning too,” Dante says with a smile. WhileIstart repeatingdo not kill anyoneover and over in my head. “You wanted to kill Romero.”
“We’re Irish, we have a short fuse and an impossible temper,” Killian explains.
“Look, Danny, you’ve got to make a choice. I can’t make it for you.”
“Although you’d like to.”