She turns back to her men and smiles. “Who’s up first?”
A man steps forward, he’s about Alessio’s age, he pulls his top off and climbs into the ring.
“Romero, you’re up,” she tells him and I watch as Romero gives her his shark's grin. “Romero, these men are looking to tear you apart. You are a Bianchi, but you are also my brother in law. Do not fucking let me down.”
His grin gets bigger. “Don’t worry,sis. I’ve got this.” She raises her brow at him. “Trust me.”
“I do, that’s why I chose you.”
He pulls off his top and he too climbs into the ring. Killian wraps Romero’s hands as Danny wraps up the Irish man’s.
“Good luck, Bianchi.” The man spits at Romero and Makenna’s eyes narrow. “Sorry, Boss, I forgot you were one now.”
“Jared,” she warns and he nods.
Killian rings the bell and the two circle one another. Jared throws the first jab, one that Romero easily dodges. It’s quickly followed by a combination shot. Again Romero dodges them, and finally throws his own, catching Jared on the jaw as he does. Jared stumbles and Romero ever the hunter, pounces, throwing more jabs. It doesn’t take long for Jared to crumble to the floor.
“Jared, out, Harrison, you’re in,” Makenna calls, not once taking her eyes off the ring. Jared gets to his feet and climbs out of the ring looking pissed.
Romero makes light work of the next three guys, with each new contender his ego grows as does his grin. When he sends the guy he’s boxing to the canvas, Makenna takes off her sweater and reveals that she’s only in a fucking sports bra. She discards her sweater on the floor.
“What the fuck?” I growl as she climbs into the ring and Danny starts to tape her hands up.
Romero’s gaze comes to me, the confusion clear on his face. He knows if he touches her I’ll kill him.
Makenna throws the first jab and it clips Romero’s jaw, he didn’t block fast enough. She doesn’t relent, she moves forward, jabbing him twice in the stomach before dancing away out of his reach. The room is silent, as we wait to see what’s going to happen. Will he fight back or is he going to keep letting her hit him?
Makenna keeps going for him, the sound of her fists against his skin is unrelenting. Jab after jab, she doesn’t stop. When she catches Romero’s jaw again, I know that he’s had enough. He punches back and she dances away from his fist, laughing as she does. Each time she hits him, she moves quickly away from him. She’s fucking fast, he’s unable to get her and it’s something I never thought I’d see. Romero is one the best fighters I’ve seen. Until now.
I’m not sure how long it goes on for, Makenna’s jabs come hard and fast. She doesn't even look out of breath, not even a sheen of sweat on her face. Not for the first time I wonder who the fuck I married. She fights better than any man I know, she can shoot straight, she drives like she’s been stealing cars since she was a child. Every time I think I’m starting to get to know her, she shocks the shit out of me with something else.
“Enough,” Killian says coming into the ring and stopping the fight. “Romero, you put up a good fight.” He laughs. “Get out of the ring,” he instructs. “Danny boy, you’re up next.”
Romero climbs out of the ring and walks over to Alessio and I, he pulls his shirt on. “Fucking hell, you could have warned me,” he grunts and I can tell he’s in pain.
“Tell you what, exactly?”
“That your wife is a fucking bitch. Christ, I think she hit my kidney. I’m going to be pissing blood.”
I bite back my smile as I watch Killian tape Danny’s hands. Makenna reaches for a gum shield. I’m going to fucking spank her ass. She didn’t wear one while in the ring with Romero. One punch and he could have shattered her jaw.
The fight between them begins and it doesn’t take me long to realize that my wife was going easy against Romero. The punches she’s throwing now are hard and the sound against Danny’s skin is monstrous. She’s a fucking animal in there. Danny’s giving it as good as he’s getting; he’s returning it hard. She manages to out dodge most of them, a few slamming into her midsection. She doesn’t even flinch, instead, she powers through and slams into his nose. The sound of bone crunching makes me smile.
“Stop fucking playing around and end it,” Killian yells over the grunts.
Makenna pouts but nods and her punches become ferocious. Her combinations are on point, one into the jaw, the next into his stomach, followed by one to the temple. Danny’s ass hits the canvas and the cheers go up around the room. Killian hops into the ring, his grin wide as he looks at Makenna with pride. He trained her, and he obviously did a fucking good job.
The room clears instantly; the men have seen what the Boss can do and now it’s time to get their asses back to work.
“Christ,” Danny groans as he gets to his feet. “Who the hell have you been training with?”
Makenna laughs and helps him to his feet. “Hayden.”
Danny’s eyes narrow, “That prick?”
Makenna’s laugh rings out through the room. “Yes, he’s your cousin. Isn’t it time to get over it?”
“No. It’s not. He fucked me over.”