“Someone want to tell us where the hell we are and who that asshole was?” Romero asks his hand twitching for his gun.
“That arsehole is my uncle. Killian Gallagher. He’s also the head of the IRA, here in New York.” She drops that bomb with a smile. “Welcome gentleman.”
“Son of a bitch,” Romero growls.
“She really is going to kill you, isn’t she?” Alessio says with a grin. “She’s connected, fucking hell that woman probably has more contacts that we do.”
I sigh, scrubbing a hand down my face. “You have no fucking idea.” I take the steps two at a time as I get ready to enter the lion’s den.
As I enter the house,I see Kenna waiting for me. My brothers walk in behind me. “Ready?” she asks and I can feel the excitement bouncing off of her.
“Yep, the sooner we get this shit over with the better.”
“Yeah, just what we need, to be in bed with terrorists,” Romero growls.
Makenna spins on her heel and pierces him with a vicious glare. “Listen to me, arsehole, because I’m only going to say this once.” Her voice is low as she takes a step closer to him. “You do not get to judge people on what they do, how many men have you killed?” When Romero doesn’t answer she advances on him again. “How many women and children have you murdered?”
“It’s not the same,” he tells her through gritted teeth.
“Oh and why not? Because you think you’re a fucking god? The IRA have a cause, one that they believe in and will do anything for. Just as you do with the Famiglia. Just as I do for the Clann. It’s the way it goes. Next time you disrespect my family, I’ll end you. Dante won’t be able to stop me, do I make myself clear?” The huskiness of Makenna’s voice mixed with the anger she has makes my cock stir. Why is it that she fucking affects me like no other?
He glares at her and I’m shocked as shit that he just nods, “Yes, Boss.”
What the fuck? How the hell did he know that shit?
“Kenna, Danny boy wants to talk to you,” her uncle shouts from further in the house. Makenna sighs and walks toward the sound of Killian’s voice.
When I turn to follow it’s then that I realize there’s at least a dozen men here. All of them stand a little taller as Makenna walks past them.
“Bro, what the fuck? You called herBoss,” Alessio hisses. “Are you fucking crazy?”
Romero huffs, “No, but I think Dante might be.” He turns to me, “When were you going to tell us? Hmm, that you married the head of the fucking Irish Mafia?” He’s a smart fucker. Always has been.
“I only found out last night myself. Her father and brothers don’t know. When she was sent away, she was made into a fucking killer.”
Alessio scoffs, “How bad can one woman be?”
Romero shakes his head. “You’ve no fucking idea. You don’t understand what it means to have Makenna as the Boss, do you?”
“Makenna is the head of the Irish Mafia on the east coast, all of it, except for New York,” I explain to them both, still fucking coming to terms with it myself. I need to see what she can do, if she’s not able to protect herself then I’m going to have to train her.
We manage to catch up to them, I step in line beside Makenna with my brother’s walking beside me. Killian a few steps ahead of us. “Where is he?” Kenna asks as we walk toward the room at the back of the house.
“He’s on the phone,” Killian says. These fucking Irish are hard to understand when they get together; Makenna’s accent gets thicker.
“Why is he here?”
Killain shrugs, “I’ve no idea, I asked the boy that myself. Do you know what the little shit said to me?”
Makenna rolls her eyes, “No, but I’m sure you’re going to enlighten us.”
Killian shakes his head, a smile playing on his lips. “You always were a little shit. He told me that I wasn’t in the know and to mind my own business. No fucking respect,” he says with a shake of his head. There’s no heat in his words, “How bad is your arm?”
Makenna waves him off, “It’s fine, just a graze, didn’t need stitches.”