Page 24 of Bloody Union

“Sneaking out?” his amused voice calls out as I reach for my yoga pants. “Here I thought we’d gotten past this.”

I roll my eyes, the man needs to relax. “This isn’t a one-night stand, Dante, it’s a marriage. I’m not sneaking out. I’m going to check on your brother and get some food. I’m starving. I also need to work today. My darling husband, fancy coming with?”

He chuckles, “Yeah, baby, why not.”

I turn to face him, he’s sitting up, the sheet around his waist showcasing his abs and muscles. “Don’t sound so excited. Besides, today, I’ve got to meet up with Killian.”

His face tightens and it pisses me off that he’s made assumptions about my uncle without having ever met him. We don’t get to criticize anyone, of all people, we don’t have the right to judge. “Am I invited to that meeting?”

I should laugh at the pathetic attempt at acting as though he doesn’t care, but I don’t, I’m tired, annoyed, and hungry. “Sure.” I pull on my tank top and move to the door.

A hand clamps around my waist, and spins me so that I’m facing him. “Want to let me know what’s wrong?”

I sigh, “Why do you think anything’s wrong?”

His eyes narrow at me, oh, looks like I’m pissing him off. “Your tone for starters. Fuck, Makenna, I’m not a damn mind reader, just tell me what the fuck is wrong.”

I push him off me, “You are, arsehole. You expect me to tell you everything and yet, you haven’t told me a damn thing about you. Now, I have to go and check on Alessio before he decides he’s getting out of bed again. And while I’m doing that, maybe, you can check on Romero and see what he’s looking for. Then I’m going to have some breakfast and go to Killian’s, if you and your brothers want to come, you are more than welcome.”

“Fuck!” he roars, but I ignore him and move down the hall to check in on Alessio. I’m surprised to see Romero here.

“Morning,” I say as I step into the room, their heads immediately come up and they both give me chin lifts. “How are you feeling today Alessio?”

He grunts and Romero laughs, “He’s going stir crazy.”

I nod as I walk over to the bed, checking on the bandage. “Do you want to try to shower?”

He looks relieved. “Hell fucking yes.”

“Okay, but leave the door open and Romero will stay here in case you need help. Don’t be stupid, if you feel your energy draining, call him. Otherwise you’ll end up pulling your stitches out, which will mean being on bedrest for a while.”

“Scouts honor.” He grins and I laugh. I watch as he climbs out of the bed, I’m impressed with his speed, but he should be more careful.

“He’s fine, Makenna,” Romero says, not taking his eyes off the laptop screen.

I sigh, “Okay, well when you two are finished, we’ll have breakfast and as long as Alessio hasn’t busted his stitches open, you both can come with me and Dante today.”

Romero raises his brow at me, probably wondering why I’m dishing out orders, but fuck him. It’s my house and my life, I’ll do whatever I want.

“I’ll be in my office if you need me,” I call out to them as I leave the room. The door to my bedroom is closed and I ignore the need to see him, I’ve given enough the past twenty-four hours. So much so, that I’m afraid of losing who I am.

Once I’m in my office, I make some phone calls, firstly, to Kins; I need to check to make sure she’s okay.

“I’m good, Kenna, honestly. Ace got me out of there. How are things going with you? Have you killed any of them yet?”

I laugh, “Not yet, although, the day has just begun.”

“Are you okay?” Her voice is full of worry and I know that she’s been stressing about it.

“I’m grand. I got nicked and it bled for a bit but it’s fine. Dante was ever the gentleman last night.”

I hear her name being called, “Shit, I’ve got to go. Call me later.”

“Yeah, I need to get drunk.”

She giggles, “Hell yes we do. Talk to you later, Kenna.”

I hang up and listen, the shower’s on which is a good sign. Hopefully Alessio is up for a day out, I need to get out of this house, I’m going stir crazy.