Page 57 of Forever Love

She crosses her arms ove

r her chest and sits back in her seat. She's not saying anything.

"This is getting us nowhere," Mia says. "Marline, I know you never intended telling him things, but you trusted him. You placed your trust in the wrong person. We're all guilty of doing that."

Mom's face falls and I see the guilt written all over it. "I should have known."

"Maybe, I think Hudson believes that you chose Martin over him."

Her eyes widen. "I never."

"You chose to believe Martin over Hudson," Mia explains softly. "Your judgment was off and that's what you need to apologize for. You need to make us understand why you chose to believe him."

Fuck, how can Mia put it so eloquently?

"I was stupid," Mom replies. I've never heard her be so vulnerable before.

"You were in love," Mia responds. "I understand that, hell we all do. You were blinded by love and by doing so you hurt your son. You have to make amends for that."

She instantly nods. "I will, I've messed up and I'm going to spend the rest of my life making up for it."

"You hurt Harrison..." Mia begins.

Mom cuts her off. "He hurt me."

Mia shakes her head. "I understand that you were hurt but Marline, he told you from the very beginning how your marriage would be. Did he lie to you?"

Mom thinks about it for a while, her jaw tensing as she shakes her head.

"He cheated on you multiple times, I can't imagine how that made you feel but Marline, he fell in love with my mom after you fell in love with Martin. Don't you think that's got to hurt? Hmm? That was his son you were sleeping with."

"I didn't set out to be with him. In fact, I pushed him away for a very long time. I knew who he was from the very beginning."

Mia shifts in her seat and I glance down at her, she looks worried. "Mia?" I question, wondering what's going on.

"Marline, did you tell Martin where my mom was?"

I close my eyes as I hear dad's sharp intake of breath. Fuck.

"I'm so sorry, Mia."

I open my eyes and stare at my mom in horror. Why the fuck would she do that?

"Marline, I have no words." I can hear the tears in dad's voice. "You went too far. What did Tina ever do to you?"

Mom's eyes flash with anger. "She took you from me."

I've had enough of this shit. "Mom." My voice is hard. "She didn't take Dad from you. You were fucking Martin long before she came along. Why did you tell him where she was?"

She shrugs. "I never intended for him to kill her. We were talking about your father and her, how they were separated, I told him that Tina was living in the motel."

"How did you know where she was staying?" Dad demands and it's a good question, not many knew where she was living as her and dad were in the midst of getting back together.

"I met Martin across the street from the motel, I watched her go into her room."

"So you fucking told him?" Dad growls. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Mom's eyes widen. "I'm sorry, okay? I never meant for this to happen."