Page 52 of Forever Love

I place a kiss against Mia’s head and walk out of her room. “Who is it?” I ask as David walks beside me.


Good, it’s someone on my payroll. Not that there’s much they can do. Yes, I shot someone, but that person had shot five people beforehand and had a gun pointed at my wife.

“How is everyone?” This is the first time that I’ve left Mia’s side since we arrived in the hospital.

“None were hit anywhere fatal. Your dad’s probably going to have to stay in a couple of days, maybe longer. He lost a lot of blood, but he’ll be fine. How’s Mia?”

“She’s okay, she’s not getting pains anymore nor is she bleeding. The doctor says she had a placental abruption. We’re going to have to see how tonight and tomorrow goes before we can say for definite, but at the moment things look okay.” She needs no stress and bed rest. That’s exactly what she’s going to get.

Spinelli and his partner Tanor are waiting for me outside the hospital entrance. “Sorry for pulling you away from your wife, but we really need to get a statement from you.” Spinelli says. “How is your wife?”

“She’s doing okay. Can we get this over with?” I want to get back to her before she wakes up.

He nods. “Of course. Can you please explain what happened today?”

I grit my teeth. “This bullshit, I’m sure you’ve already had everyone and their mother tell you what went down today. Why do you need me to reiterate everything you already know?”

Tanor sighs, “Mr Brady…”

“I understand you have a job to do, but this is just overkill. You have everyone’s statements. I got home to find my men shot and that fucker with a gun pointed at my pregnant wife. I shot him before he got the chance to shoot her. He is dead isn’t he?” I have to double check, that fucker’s like Houdini.

“Yes, Mr Brady, he’s dead,” Tanor says, the corner of his lips turning up as he tries not to smile.

“Are we done?”

Spinelli nods. “Yeah Hudson, we’re done. I wish your wife a speedy recovery.”

“Thanks.” I nod as I turn on my heel and walk back into the hospital.

“Boss, is there anything you need from me?” David asks, his voice tight.

I stop walking and look at him. His eyes are dark, the way they go when he thinks of his wife. “No, you’ve done more than enough for me, David. Take some time, however much you need.”

He nods. “In your debt,” he grunts.

“No, you’re not.”

He glares at me. “I’m in your debt.”

I shake my head, he’s not going to listen to me no matter what I say to him. “Go, and David, I meant what I said. Take as long as you want.” He pats my shoulder as he walks past me. I walk toward Mia’s room, relieved that this shit is all over. There’s only one thing left for me to do and that’s talk to mom.

Mia’s eyes are on me as I enter her room, she’s wide awake and I’m wondering when she woke up. “Where did you go?” Her voice thick with sleep.

“I had to talk to the cops, it’s done now. How long have you been awake?”

She smiles. “It’s over?”

Sitting down on the bed beside her I take her hand. “Yeah, Princess, it’s over. That fucker isn’t going to hurt anyone ever again.”

Tears form in her eyes. “Thank God.” She leans forward and presses a kiss against my lips. “How is everyone?”

“They’re good, no one is going to die. Dad’s got the longest recovery. He lost a lot of blood. He’ll be fine though.”

“Are they all still here?”

I frown. “I think so, why?”