Page 48 of Forever Love

“Where is she?” I whimper at that voice, it’s so full of rage.

“She’s not here. You’re not going to find her,” Harrison tells him and I scoot further under the desk and bring my knees to my chest. God, please Hudson, come home.

“She’s carrying my child. You can’t hide her from me.”

Harrison’s laugh is sarcastic and I cringe, he’s going to make things worse. “She’s not carrying your baby. Even if she were, do you honestly believe that we’d let you anywhere near her?”

“So she is having my baby,” My eyes widen at Martin’s words.

“No, you fucking moron, she’s carrying Hudson’s baby.” Harrison’s really not making things any better.

“Where is she?” he asks once again.

My heart’s beating faster than ever before. I won’t let him take me this time. Never again.

“Martin, Mia isn’t the one you want. Hell, Hudson’s not the one you’re angry with.” Harrison’s voice has lost that edge to it, his tone very similar to the one that he uses with Hudson.

“Yes, I am fucking angry with Hudson. He’s taken everything that should have been mine, including my baby.” Martin isn’t calming down, he seems to get more agitated with every word that Harrison says.

“No, he hasn’t, Mia was pregnant when you took her. You kidnapped and raped a pregnant woman.” Harrison has a bite to his tone. “Martin, you hurt her. Why?”

“Why?” he asks incredulously. “Because she was his.”

“Is, not was. She is Hudson’s, she’s his wife, the mother of his child. Mia is the love of his life. He had no idea who you were to him, and yet he treated you like a brother. What did Hudson ever do to deserve everything you’ve done to him?”

Oh God, why is Harrison asking this? He should have waited until help had got here. Anything could make Martin kill him, I can’t lose someone else I care about, I’ve already lost so much.

“He has everything, I have nothing.”


shit.” I close my eyes, not wanting to hear anymore, it’s as though he’s taunting Martin. “You had your parents, you had this family, you had everything you ever wanted.”

“I never had you.” Martin screams and my heart breaks for him. “You never wanted me. Henry told me, he said he was the reason that I was brought into the fold, not because you wanted me but because he wanted me.” His voice is small, he reminds me of a little boy who’s lost. Right now, I can’t help but feel for him. It must have been hard for him to be around Harrison and not have the relationship that most fathers and sons have.

“No, you never had me. I was young and stupid when your mom and I had an affair. She returned to her life, married your father and I returned to mine and this organization. You had a family, why the fuck are you pissed that I never wanted you? Have you not seen my life? How fucked up it is?”

“You are my father and you acted to the entire world as though I was nothing but a fucking grunt. You and Hudson expect the utmost respect and yet you couldn’t pay me the same. I am entitled to the respect that you both have. I have the Brady blood running through my veins.”

Harrison laughs and I cringe. “You think it’s the Brady name that means you deserve respect? You think that because Hudson is my son that’s why he gets the respect? Hudson earned his respect before he became boss, he earned the respect of those around him by the way he carried himself, by protecting me, protecting my men. You were there, you witnessed him putting a bullet in Jonathan's head when he pulled a gun on me. Hudson was fifteen and he was the quickest to his gun, quickest to react.”

“So fucking what? Anyone could have done that.” He sounds bitter and this conversation is getting them nowhere, Harrison isn’t going to act any differently toward him.

“Hudson doesn’t just have the respect of his men, he has the respect of the majority of players in this fucking country. Hudson is the boss, not because of who I am but because of who he is. He is a fucking gentleman, he’d never betray anyone, and he certainly wouldn’t rape anyone.” Harrison yells at him and I shrink even further into the desk. “You aren’t mad at Hudson, you’re jealous. You’re fucking angry with me because I didn’t want you. Had Hudson known who you were, things could have been different between you. You would never have been boss, you would never have been given the respect.”

“Why?” Martin questions and I’m scared, as I have no idea what the answer is going to be.

“You are my illegitimate child. A bastard if you will. My men would have never accepted you.”

I shake my head. That is an awful thing to say, tonight I have heard the ugly side to Harrison and I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to not hear what he’s said.

A gunshot rings out and I squeak, fear rises through me. Who fired the shot? Is Harrison okay? My hand tightens on the gun as I focus my breathing so that I can hear. It’s silent, I have no idea what has happened.

“Oh Mia….” Martin taunts.

Tears slide down my face, he’s going to find me.

“I know you’re here. Too many men for you not to be. I’m going to find you.” He sings and I bite back another whimper. “That asshole is bleeding like the pig he is.” He lets out a maniacal laugh. “It’s just a matter of time before he bleeds out. You have a choice Mia, you either come out and save him, or you stay hidden and have his death on your conscious.”