Page 43 of Forever Love

Her eyes widen, her lips part in shock. “Where is she?”

“I have no idea, I have my men looking for her.”

Her mouth opens and quickly closes again. “Do you think she’s with Martin?” Her body shakes as she says his name.

My hand grasps my glass and I bring it to my lips, I empty the contents with one swallow. “No. Mia, there’s no way that my mom has done this.”

She glances away from me. “How certain are you?”

I narrow my eyes. “Mia, this is my mom.”

She looks at me as if she’s never seen me before. “Look, I’m not saying she’s done anything wrong. But Hudson, if she’s been seeing him in a romantic way, she could have accidentally let things slip, she could be with him now.”

“For fuck sake, Mia, there’s no way.”

She shakes her head and gets to her feet. “I’m glad you’re certain. But I’m not. Everything that has happened, screams that someone has been helping him. I’m disappointed that you’d put our child at risk by not asking her a simple question.”

I slam my hands down on my desk and get to my feet. Mia jumps, fear creeping into her eyes. “How can you say that?” I bite out. “That is my child Mia, mine. I’ll do everything in my power to protect it.”

“Then fucking ask her the damn question Hudson,” she screams at me, her hands waving in the air. Tears begin to trickle down her face. “How hard is it? Hmm? To ask a question?”

“My mom wouldn’t do this.”

She takes a step backward, her head shaking in disgust. “I’m done,” she tells me and walks out of my office.

A red haze forms and I go blank. Done? What the hell does she mean by done? “Done?” I roar stalking after her. My hand grips her arm and I pull her to a stop, her body slamming against mine. “Done?” I ask her once again, my face mere inches from hers.

“Done, Hudson. I’m done with this conversation. What’s the point in talking when you obviously don’t give a crap about me or my feelings.” Her tears are falling thick and fast and I fucking hate that I’m making her cry. “You’re so certain and yet you didn’t think Martin would have betrayed you either. You need to open your eyes Hudson, how many times are people I love going to get hurt? How many more people am I going to lose because you’re a stubborn asshole?” She’s lashing out now, I’m taking those blows, I deserve to take them. Everything she’s saying is right, because of me she’s been hurting.

I lift my hands and frame her face. “Mia, you’re fucking all I think about. You matter.”

She blinks, not believing what I’m saying.

I wipe away her tears with my thumb. “You’re everything, Mia, you and our child come first. Always.”

“Okay,” she whispers but she doesn’t sound convinced. She’s pissed and I understand why. “What now?”

I caress her face. “Now I talk to my mom, find out if she’s behind this.”

Her eyes widen. “Really?”

Fuck, does she think I’m that much of an asshole? Not to her, she’s the only one that doesn’t see that side of me, or so I thought.

“Yes, Princess, really. The stress is something you don’t need.”

She shakes her head. “When you didn’t talk to me that stressed me out.”

I pull her closer to me. “Sorry, baby.” I’m a fucking asshole.

“It’s okay, how are you feeling?” she asks me, her hands running up and down my back.

“My head’s fucking spinning. If what we found out is true then I’m going to fucking go crazy.”

“If she has told him stuff, I don’t think she did it on purpose.”

I roll my eyes. “Mia, she would have still told him.”

Pulling away from me she sighs. “Think about it, when you’re in love with someone you talk about everything. Your mom could have told him in confidence. Depending when things were said obviously, but don’t go too hard on her.”