Page 41 of Forever Love

“She’s right, this is amazing. I didn’t think you could cook,” Hudson says with a smile.

“I can’t really. I know how to cook some things. So, what happened today?” He glances at Jagger and it pisses me off, why can’t he just say whatever the hell it is? “Hudson?”

“We finally figured out who Martin was getting his information from.” His voice is cold and I’m actually beginning to worry.

“Who?” Sarah asks her gaze darting around the table.

“We’re not sure if it was done deliberately or not,” Jagger says but Harrison has a deep frown between his eyes, Hudson’s focus is on his dinner.

“What the hell does that mean?”

“Remember when I said that mom must have been dating a new guy, because she came out of the funk she was in after dad did the shit he did?” Hudson asks and I nod, wondering where the hell he’s going with this. “Well she and Martin had a thing.”

My nose turns up in disgust, that’s just nasty. “She told him everything?” I ask in disbelief.

Harrison lifts his beer to his lips, his eyes narrowing on Hudson.

“We’re not sure what’s happened, but it is possible that she told him stuff while they were together. The only way we’re going to know for sure is to ask her.” Hudson says and goes back to eating his dinner, that’s his way of saying that the conversation is over.

“Wait, what?” Sarah asks, her eyes wide as she looks at Hudson. “You haven’t asked her yet?”

“Sarah…” Jagger warns her.

“No, don’t Sarah me anything. The man raped my best friend, he killed our friend, he killed her mom. He’s killed your men. He has hurt Mia in ways no one is ever going to know and for what? Because he’s under some delusion that he should be where Hudson is? He knew things about Mia, about our lives that he shouldn’t have and you’re telling me you found a connection but you’re not doing anything about it.”

“Sarah, this is his mom,” Jagger tells her but I can see that he agrees with her.

“Fuck that, Mia is his wife, she is the mother of his unborn child. He should be finding out everything he can to ensure he finds that asshole. Not stepping on eggshells because it’s his mom.” She cries, tears running down her face. “By him not finding out just shows how little he cares about her.”

Hudson doesn’t respond, he keeps his head down and keeps eating.

I sigh, pushing my food around on my plate. So much for having a nice dinner. Sarah’s right, he should be talking to his mom. He should be finding out what she told Martin and when. She could be the way to finding him. I don’t understand why he wouldn’t want to be questioning her. Something about this entire situation doesn’t sit right with me.

Silence descends on the room, everyone is focused on eating, not one of us making eye contact with anyone. Hudson’s head is practically buried in his plate, Harrison’s eyes are narrowed as he glares at him. He’s making it known that he doesn’t agree with what Hudson’s doing, I don’t think anyone in this room is.

Once everyone is finished, I stand, I want some space to breathe. Right now, Hudson’s being an asshole and everyone else is waiting for me to explode or something. I pick up everyone’s plates and bring them to the kitchen. I’m currently in disbelief, I’m not sure if I can wrap my head around why he’s not talking to Marline. One phone call is all that it’ll take to clear this all up. I put the plates onto the counter, I’ll rinse them and put them into the dishwasher.

“Mia?” Sarah’s voice calls out and I turn to see both her and Jagger standing in the doorway to the kitchen. “We’re going to leave now.”

Jagger’s arm goes around her shoulder and he pulls her into his body, he gives me a small smile, “Sorry to leave you in the middle of this shit storm.”

I walk over to them and wrap my arms around Sarah, Jagger doesn’t release her so the hug is awkward. “It’s okay, I know how much Sarah’s been missing Allie.”

He laughs. “You have no idea, she has my mom harassed with all the messages.”

Heat rises in Sarah’s cheeks as she blushes. “I just worry, that’s all.”

I smile. “There’s nothing wrong with that. Can you imagine what Hudson’s going to be like once this baby is born?”

Sarah laughs, her eyes lighting up. “Oh he’s going to make me look sane.”

Jagger smirks. “I don’t think that’s possible,” he mutters, quickly dodging Sarah’s arm as it swings out to hit him.

“We’re going before I kill him.” She glares at Jagger. “I need snuggles with Allie.”

I shoo them away. “Go, give Allie a kiss from me.”

“Love you Mia, call me if you need me.” She tells me planting a kiss on my cheek. I know what she means, if Hudson continues to be an asshole to call her she’ll help calm me down.