Page 39 of Forever Love

“Highly. These men and women are extremely cautious. They only trust each other, there’s no way he’s going to believe anyone will know where he is. They communicate via the dark web, no one can infiltrate it or so they think. It’s got a high level security and only members can access the site, there’s only one way you can become a member and that’s if you are invited.”

Fucking hell. “You’d think they’re running some sort of military op or some shit.”

Coby nods. “Close enough, the man that set the site up is a military man.”

“Fucking sick fucks.” Dad growls in disgust. “We’ll have the fucker surrounded, he won’t know what hit him.”

“We need to coordinate with my friend, once you take Martin down, the others are going to scramble. So we need to time it perfectly so that no one gets spooked,” Coby tells us.

“We’ll arrange it for early in the morning. We’ll have him being watched, but that way, he’ll believe that he’s fine where he is.”

“Hudson, that’s good, it’ll give him a false sense of security along with making the others relax. Getting them early in the morning or late at night will mean they’re asleep and won’t be expecting it,” Coby says. “Let me know the time and I’ll have my friend coordinate it with his task force.”

“Four am, arrange it and let me know, then we’re going to set up surveillance, I want my men there as soon as possible in case he turns up early.”

Coby gets to his feet, a smile on his face and his cell to his ear as he leaves my office.

“Not long left son, we’re going to get him. The walls are closing in.”

I smirk. “That fucker is going to be in a world of pain when I get my hands on him.”

“Payback’s a bitch.” Dad smiles, baring his teeth.

“Dad, find a quiet place for us to bring him. Somewhere no one will stumble upon us or hear his tortured screams.”

Dad gets to his feet. “I have the perfect place. I’ll have it ready for you. We’re going to get him son, we’re going to make sure he knows that he’s messed with the wrong fucking people.” Dad leaves and I get to my feet, I’m looking forward to seeing Mia’s face when I let her know that Martin is dead. That the monster is gone.



“Mia, are you okay?” Sarah’s voice pulls me from my inner musings.

Blinking, I look at her, “Huh?”

She tilts her head to the side, studying me carefully. “Mia, you’ve been quiet, are you okay?”

Glancing at Hudson’s closed office door I sigh. “Today was one of the best days I’ve had in a long time, we’re all so happy. I was so stupid, I stopped looking over my shoulder. Martin has been quiet for so long, I was naive thinking that it was over.”

She grasps my hand. “We all did, we all thought he’d given up. I truly believed that this was over. You’re not naive, just as I’m not. He played us, we all had our guards down, but Mia, we’re not sure if their meeting is about Martin.”

I roll my eyes. “God, this is so fucked up. I hate not knowing what’s happening.”

She gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. “At least we got to shop.” She smiles and I shake my head, she has her priorities right.

Hudson, Jagger, Harrison, Sarah, and I went shopping. We bought everything for our baby. We have his stroller, we bought his entire nursery furniture, and I couldn’t help myself and bought loads of clothes for him. Once we’d finished shopping, we went for some lunch and that’s when all hell broke loose. Hudson got a phone call, I watched as his eyes darkened and his jaw clenched. I knew immediately that something had happened, none of the men spoke. The entire car ride home was tense, and then as soon as we got home they went into his office and shut us out. They’ve been in there for almost three hours now and I’ve no idea what is happening. I’m scared, my mind instantly goes to Martin, wondering who he has hurt now, what has he done now?

“Jagger and I were talking…” She begins and I smile at her, “we really want to have Allie baptised, but not until Martin is gone. We want it to be a celebration, not have everyone looking over their shoulders.”

“That sounds amazing, once all this is over, we’re all going to be in need of a celebration.”

Her smile widens. “We want both you and Hudson to be Allie’s godparents.”

Tears slowly fall down my face. “I’d be so honored to be Allie’s godmother.” Hudson and I have discussed who’s going to be our baby’s godparents and we want Sarah and Jagger to be them.

“There’s no one in this world I’d want more. I love you. More than words can describe. You’re someone that Allie will look up too, that will protect her.”

“Always,” I reply emphatically. I’d do anything for that little girl.