Page 31 of Forever Love

She pulls away from me and grabs the keys off the counter. “Yes Hudson, we’re going to see our baby, we’re also going to find out the gender.” She’s at the front door, ready to leave.

Wait, what? “We are?”

She nods. “Yes, we are, now move your ass.” She demands and laughs as I run toward her. “Put me down,” she yells as I sweep her into my arms.

“Nope,” I say popping the P. I carry her out to the car, she opens the door and I gently place her into the seat. “Strap in, Princess, we’re going to see our baby.” Her smile shines brightly, and it’s so fucking contagious.

We’re over forty minutes early for our appointment, I hate waiting, and this place is filled with kids and pregnant women. I’m the only man here, it pisses me off to see the heavily pregnant women sitting alone. I understand that they may have to work, but fuck, this is your kid, surely you can take a couple of hours off to be here for your wife and kid. The door behind us opens and a woman comes in, her stomach big and low, it’s a wonder she can even walk with it. Her husband holding her and walks her to a seat before going to check in, I didn’t realize just how big women can get while pregnant. I’m slightly worried that something will go wrong, Mia’s slim frame won’t be able to hold it.

“Will you do that for me?” Mia whispers, her focus on the couple that just walked in.

I look to see what she’s talking about and see that the man’s helping the woman up out of her seat. “Obviously.” I reply.

She smiles. “Good, would you shave my legs too? It’ll come to a point where I won?

?t be able to see my feet.”

I smirk. “Sure, I’ll shave whatever you need me to.”

She hits my shoulder, “You’re such a perv. God, Hudson, we’re around kids.”

Before I have a chance to answer, we’re called in. Mia grips my hand tightly as we follow the doctor, she’s nervous now, we both are. As much as I tell her that I want a boy, as long as both she and the baby are healthy, that’s all that matters.

Mia lies on the bed and I wait, the doctor is talking to her but I’m not really listening. Mia’s hand is still gripping mine. “It’s going to be okay,” I reassure her and she gives me a squeeze.

The doctor places some gel on Mia’s stomach and runs a wand thingy over it and the air is filled with a whooshing sound, followed by a whoomping.

“That’s the heartbeat,” Mia tells me, I look down at her and see the tears shining in her eyes. I know that they’re happy tears.

The doctor looks at the screen, she takes a while just looking over it, so much so that I’m starting to worry. “Is everything okay?”

The doctor smiles. “Yes, I’m just checking on your baby’s organs, everything is developing as it should. You’re right on track Mia, your due date is March twenty third.”

Holy shit, that’s so far but yet so fucking close.

“Can you tell the gender?” Mia’s voice is soft but hopeful.

The doctor smiles wider. “Of course, would you both like to know?”

“Yes,” we say in unison, I didn’t think it bothered me about not knowing, but now that I’m here, I’m dying to know.

“Congratulations, you’re having a boy.” She moves the wand, her finger pointing at the screen, “See there, that’s the umbilical cord and that…” She points to the little line on the screen. She laughs. “He’s flashing us, he wants us to know that he’s definitely a boy.”

I kiss Mia’s lips, the wetness and saltiness makes me realize that her tears are falling. “Why are you crying?”

“I’m so happy.” She kisses me. “Thank you,” she whispers.

“Why are you thanking me? I’m not the one carrying our son.” God, son, it feels good to say that.

“Because you’ve given me everything,” she whispers, I watch on horrified as she bursts into heart wrenching sobs.

I glance at the doctor, to see her smiling. “It’s normal, her hormones are all over the place.” She hands me something. “Here’s something to show the families.”

I look down and see a scan picture. Fuck, I can’t wait to show my dad, he’ll be made up. “Thank you, Doc.” Mia moves her legs so that they’re dangling off the bed, she’s ready to leave now, her eyes on the scan picture. Thankfully, she’s stopped sobbing.

The doctor passes Mia some tissue to clean the gel off her stomach. “You’re welcome, take your time, and I’ll see you both soon.”

“Hungry?” I ask as we get into the car. We’ve got a few more hours until I can unveil the surprise.