Page 27 of Forever Love

My cell beeps, indicating I have another call. “Hold on,” I instruct him and I put him on hold as I switch the calls. “Yeah?”

“Boss,” David says, his breathing labored. “Fucker got the jump on us. I’m sorry. Fucker knocked us out, shit, boss, he bought us to Synergy and set it ablaze. Aaron was still unconscious and has a lot of burns on his body. He’s in the hospital being checked out and the firefighters are working on the club now.”

Fuck. “What about you?” I ask him.

“What about me?”

I tsk. “David, are you injured?” My tone brooks no argument.

“Not really, I’ve got a cut on my head but other than that I’m fine.”

“Where has Martin gone?” I underestimated him, fuck, I need to call dad, make sure that fucker doesn’t go anywhere near them.

“I don’t know.” He sounds defeated, I know it wasn’t his fault. He shouldn’t shoulder the blame.

“We’ll get him. I’m standing in Wally’s house. Looks like Martin struck earlier today.” I don’t believe that it was a suicide. No way in hell.

“Fuck. This fuck just keeps on going. We need to hit him hard again.”

“Yeah we fucking do.” My eyes on Wally, that bastard made it to look as though it was a suicide. “Go to the hospital, get your head checked out and then stay on Aaron.”

He doesn’t argue with me, “What about Molly?”

I grit my teeth. “No sign of her yet, Jagger’s searching the house.”

“Fuck, we’re back to square one with this shit.”

I glance at the floor, hating that all the leverage I had is now gone. “Yeah, we are. This time though, we’ve dismantled that fuckers operation, he’s on his own. He has no plan, and that makes him dangerous but it also means that he’s going to slip up. I’m going to be there when he does.”

“A-fucking-men to that.”

“Get to the hospital and get checked out. That is an order.” I end the call and walk toward Wally, as much as I’d love to take him down, I can’t. I need to get the evidence, find out if Martin has done it alone or if he’s had help.

“Boss, you’re going to want to see this.” Jagger yells and I turn away from Wally and walk out of the room. “I’m in the bedroom.”

I take the stairs two at a time, as soon as I reach the doorway to the bedroom I understand why he wanted me to see it. My body goes rigid at the sight. Molly’s lying on the bed naked, her wrists cut and blood soaks the entire bed. Her legs are spread wide apart, and I have to glance away because I know that she’s been assaulted, brutally so. Seeing this, it makes everything that he did to Mia come to my mind, I shut down the thoughts instantly, not letting myself go down that rabbit hole. It’ll send me spiralling, make me lose my damn mind. Again.

“Boss, it has to be Martin,” Jagger says, he’s as disgusted as I am. You don’t do this shit to innocent women, and you certainly don’t do it to my family.

“It’s time to go. Call Lazarous, tell him that I want him working this case. I want to know how many men were here and how they managed to overpower Wally.” The man was five-feet-eleven and weighed over three hundred pounds, he wasn’t an easy man to overpower, it’s what has me thinking that Martin wasn’t alone. He’s got someone else that’s working with him.

I walk out of the house, pissed that I’ve let someone else die. I’ve lost too many already, way more than we should have. Jagger follows behind me, his voice low as he talks on his cell. He’ll see to it that we’ll know as soon as the detectives know, as soon as I find out who else is working with Martin, I’ll burn them alive.



Two Weeks Later

“Hudson,” I moan, his fingers on my nipples, his lips on my neck. My fingers clutching at the sheets beneath us.

“Sssh,” he says, not even looking at me.

“Stop teasing,” I beg, he’s been torturing me for the last twenty minutes. I’ve come twice and it’s not enough. I was awoken by his mouth on my pussy, it was a great way to wake up but now, it’s getting too much.

He needs this and I’m going to give it to him. He’s hurting, he told me about Wally and his wife, and how he found them. They were buried yesterday. Martin’s escaped and no one has any idea where the hell he is. Aaron’s still in the hospital, he’s in a bad way, his body has been burned badly. I’m not allowed to visit him unless David, Hudson, Harrison, or Jagger are with me and even then it’s only for a little while. They all know that I’m pregnant and none of them are taking the chance in case something happens.

“Sssh,” he tells me yet again, as he moves down my body, his mouth at my breasts. My body arches when his teeth bite down on my nipple.