Page 61 of Forever Love

My eyes widen. "Hudson, my water broke and I'm having contractions. Of course I'm sure."

His thumbs caress my cheeks. "Mia, I don't mean to be an ass. It's too soon."

"I know, Jagger and Sarah are on their way. They're driving us to the hospital."

He kisses my forehead. "Okay princess." His arms tighten around me, I rest my head against his shoulder, loving his protectiveness.

"We haven't got the crib for our room ready yet," I whisper against him.

"Don't worry, it'll be done. David and Aaron will do it."

I raise my head. "David's back?" I smile, I've missed him. Even though he's usually silent, he's one of Hudson's men I really like.

"Yeah, baby he's back. He's with Aaron right now."

David was due back a couple of months ago but he found out something's about his wife that devastated him. It was then that I was worried about him the most, he stopped checking in with everyone and had gone radio silent. I honestly believed he'd never return.

"Is he okay?"

Hudson smiles. "Yeah baby he's okay. He's better than he's been in a while. He’s come to terms with everything that's happened and what he learned about his wife." The way he says his wife isn't great, he knows what happened or what was unveiled and he won't tell me. It’s not his place to say.

"Hello?" I hear yelled and relief washes through me. Sarah and Jagger are here.

"Come on princess, let’s get you to the hospital." He holds onto me as we walk out of the office.

"Don't forget to get the bag." I've had it packed for the past six weeks. It's by the door so we'd know where it is for when we needed it.

"I've got it Mia, Jagger's already putting it into the trunk," Sarah says as we walk towards her.

"Thanks." I smile but that smile soon vanishes as pain hits me once again. "Ahhhhhhhhhh." I scream as the pain intensifies.

"Breathe Mia," Sarah instructs me and I do as she says. "That's it, in and out," I copy her and I'm able to not panic.

"Thank you." I say to them both as they help me out of the house and toward the car.

"Don't thank me Mia, you did the same for me."

I smile. "You never got me into this situation." I raise my eyebrows at Hudson who grimaces.

"Shit, I'm glad I wasn't there for Allie's birth." Jagger laughs but I know that he's joking, he'd loved to have been there.

"Try not to break Hudson's finger," Sarah jokes and I watch as Hudson visibly blanches.

“Jeez, you doing ok

ay Mia?” Jagger asks, a horrified look on his face.

I nod as Hudson helps me to get into the car. “Yeah, I can’t wait to meet him,” I reply to Jagger.

Hudson climbs in beside me and holds my hand. "It's going to be okay."

My hand rests on my bump. "Hudson he's not moved." I gently rub in hopes that it'll get him to move.

"He's okay, he's just waiting to finally come out. We'll be at the hospital soon. Please try and relax," he tells me but I can hear the worry in his voice.

"Relax?" I question, "I'm about to have at least a six pound baby come out of my vagina. Don't tell me to relax," I say through clenched teeth.

Jagger laughs. "Dude, if you value your life, keep your mouth shut. Mia once you've had the baby, the pain will be forgotten."